Article ID: CBB000061289

The principle of identicality and the foundations of quantum theory. I: The Gibbs paradox. II: The role of identicality in the formation of quantum theory (1991)


Description “The development of the concept of indistinguishability in the writings of Gibbs is traced, leading from the `Gibbs paradox' to his definition of generic phase.” In part two “the place of the concept of indistinguishability in the formation of quantum theory is examined, including particularly Planck's earliest formulations of the quantum hypothesis, as well as the use of this concept in the developments surrounding the new quantum theory.”

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Authors & Contributors
Hoffmann, Dieter
Alekseev, I. S.
Badino, Massimiliano
Brush, Stephen G.
Büttner, Jochen
Duncan, Anthony
Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics
American Journal of Physics
Archive for History of Exact Sciences
Berichte zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte
Kultur & Technik: Zeitschrift des Deutschen Museums
Physics Education
Oxford University Press
C. H. Beck
Carocci Editore
Kluwer Academic
Springer International
Quantum mechanics
Revolutions in science
Philosophy of science
Planck, Max
Einstein, Albert
Bohr, Niels Henrik David
Sommerfeld, Arnold Johannes Wilhelm
Bataille, Georges
Boltzmann, Ludwig
Time Periods
20th century
20th century, early
19th century
21st century
Paris (France)
Berlin (Germany)
Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft (DPG)

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