Book ID: CBB000053872

The probabilistic revolution (1987)


Krüger, Lorenz (Editor)
Daston, Lorraine J. (Editor)
Heidelberger, Michael (Editor)

MIT Press

Publication Date: 1987
Edition Details: Vol. 1: Ideas in history. Vol. 2: Ideas in the sciences. Edited by Krüger, Lorenz, Gigerenzer, Gerd, and Morgan, Mary S..
Physical Details: 2 vols.; xi + 449 pp.; xvii + 459 pp.; notes; index

Description Contents: Kuhn, Thomas S.: What are scientific revolutions? Cohen, I. Bernard: Scientific revolutions, revolutions in science, and a probabilistic revolution, 1800-1930. Hacking, Ian: Was there a probabilistic revolution, 1800-1930? Krüger, Lorenz: The slow rise of probabilism: Philosophical arguments in the 19th century. Kamlah, Andreas: The decline of the Laplacian theory of probability: A study of Stumpf, von Kries, and Meinong. Heidelberger, Michael: Fechner's indeterminism: From freedom to laws of chance. Jorland, Gérard: The Saint Petersburg paradox, 1713-1937. Schneider, Ivo: Laplace and thereafter: The status of probability calculus in the 19th century. Knobloch, Eberhard: Emile Borel as a probabilist. Daston, Lorraine J.: The domestication of risk: Mathematical probability and insurance, 1650-1830. Swijtink, Zeno G.: The objectification of observation: Measurement and statistical methods in the 19th century. Stigler, Stephen M.: The measurement of uncertainty in 19th-century social science. Daston, Lorraine J.: Rational individuals versus laws of society: From probability to statistics. Bourguet, Marie-Noëlle: Décrire, compter, calculer: The debate over statistics during the Napoleonic period. Lécuyer, Bernard-Pierre: Probability in vital and social statistics: Quetelet, Farr, and the Bertillons. Metz, Karl H.: Paupers and numbers: The statistical argument for social reform in Britain during the period of industrialization. Porter, Theodore M.: Lawless society: Social science and the reinterpretation of statistics in Germany, 1850-1880. Hacking, Ian: Prussian numbers, 1860-1882. Wise, M. Norton: How do sums count? On the cultural origins of statistical causality. Gigerenzer, Gerd: The probabilistic revolution in psychology: An overview. Gigerenzer, Gerd: Probabilistic thinking and the fight against subjectivity. Danziger, Kurt: Statistical method and the historical development of research practice in American psychology. Gigerenzer, Gerd: Survival of the fittest probabilist: Brunswick, Thurstone, and the two disciplines of psychology. Murray, David J.: A perspective for viewing the integration of probability theory into psychology. Oberschall, Anthony: The two empirical roots of social theory and the probability revolution. Morgan, Mary S.: The probabilisitic revolution in economics: An overview. Ménard, Claude: Why was there no probabilistic revolution in economic thought? Horváth, Robert A.: The rise of macroeconomic calculations in economic statistics. Morgan, Mary S.: Statistics without probability and Haavelmo's revolution in econometrics. Coleman, William: Experimental physiology and statistical inference: The therapeutic trial in 19th-century Germany. Beatty, John: The probabilistic revolution in evolutionary biology: An overview. Hodge, M.J.S.: Natural selection as a causal, empirical, and probabilistic theory. Beatty, John: Dobzhansky and drift: Facts, values, and chance in evolutionary biology. Turner, John R.G.: Random genetic drift, R.A. Fisher, and the Oxford school of ecological genetics. Küppers, Bernd-Olaf: On the prior probability of the existence of life. Krüger, Lorenz: The probabilistic revolution in physics: An overview. Plato, Jan von: Probabilistic physics the classical way. Cartwright, Nancy: Max Born and the reality of quantum probabilities. Cartwright, Nancy: Philosophical problems of quantum theory: The response of American physicists.

Reviewed By

Review Austin, J.T. (1988) Review of "The probabilistic revolution". Journal of the American Statistical Association (pp. 903-4). unapi

Review Grattan-Guinness, I. (1988) Review of "The probabilistic revolution". Annals of Science: The History of Science and Technology (pp. 643-46). unapi

Review Good, I. J. (1988) Review of "The probabilistic revolution". Nature (pp. 405-6). unapi

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Authors & Contributors
Campbell, Nancy D.
Morris-Reich, Amos
Müürsepp, Peeter
Nelson, Jennifer A.
Rupnow, Dirk
Stark, Laura
American Quarterly
Social History of Medicine
Acta Baltica historiae et philosophiae scientiarum
Environment and History
Journal of Historical Geography
University of California Press
New York University
Bloomsbury Academic
MIT Press
Palgrave Macmillan
University of Minnesota Press
Civil rights
African Americans
Technology and race
Public health
Technology and politics
King, Martin Luther, Jr.
Orihuela, Andrés Avelino de
Time Periods
20th century
20th century, late
19th century
21st century
20th century, early
United States
Southern states (U.S.)
London (England)
Addiction Research Center (ARC)
NIH Clinical Center (NIHCC)

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