Article ID: CBB000052801

De la philosophie à l'électromagnétisme: Le cas Oersted (1990)

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Authors & Contributors
Caneva, Kenneth L.
Christensen, Dan Ch.
Jacobsen, Anja Skaar
Carter, Christopher Ray
Gooding, David C.
Grum-Schwensen, Ane
Centaurus: International Magazine of the History of Mathematics, Science, and Technology
Historical Studies in the Physical and Biological Sciences
Studies in History and Philosophy of Science
Annals of Science: The History of Science and Technology
British Journal for the History of Science
Earth Sciences History: Journal of the History of the Earth Sciences Society
Kongelige Danske Videnskabernes Selskab
Museum Tusculanums Forlag
Oxford University Press
University of Pittsburgh Press
Electricity; magnetism
Correspondence and corresponding
Oersted, Hans Christian
Ampère, André Marie
Faraday, Michael
Seebeck, Thomas Johann
Colding, Ludvig August
Kuhn, Thomas S.
Time Periods
19th century
18th century
Copenhagen (Denmark)
Arctic regions

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