Article ID: CBB000048543

Isaac Beeckman a-t-il démontré la loi des cordes vibrantes selon laquelle la fréquence est inversement proportionnelle à la longueur? (1992)

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Authors & Contributors
Kubbinga, H. H.
Honma, Eio
Bailhache, Patrice
Berkel, Klaas van
Canone, Eugenio
Damerow, Peter
科学史研究 Kagakusi Kenkyu (History of Science)
Revue d'Histoire des Sciences
Early Science and Medicine: A Journal for the Study of Science, Technology and Medicine in the Pre-modern Period
Geschiedenis van de Wijsbegeerte in Nederland
Isis: International Review Devoted to the History of Science and Its Cultural Influences
J. Molecul. Struct.
Johns Hopkins University Press
Matter theory
Mechanism; mechanical philosophy
Libraries and archives
Beeckman, Isaac
Descartes, René
Galilei, Galileo
Mersenne, Marin
Bacon, Francis, 1st Baron Verulam
Time Periods
17th century
16th century

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