Book ID: CBB000048322

A century of mathematics in America. With the assistance of Richard A. Askey, Merzbach, Uta C. (1988)


Duren, Peter L. (Editor)

American Mathematical Society

Publication Date: 1988
Physical Details: 3 vols.; illus.; notes

Description Contents: Fiske, Thomas Scott: Mathematical progress in America. Fiske, Thomas Scott: The beginnings of the American Mathematical Society. Synge, J.L.: For the 100th birthday of the American Mathematical Society. Andrews, George E.: J.J. Sylvester, Johns Hopkins and partitions. Eisele, Carolyn: Thomas S. Fiske and Charles S. Peirce. Lefschetz, Solomon: Luther Pfahler Eisenhart. Widder, D.V.: Some mathematical reminiscences. Kleene, Stephen C.: The role of logical investigations in mathematics since 1930. Boas, R.P.: Memories of bygone meetings. Whitney, Hassler: Moscow 1935: Topology moving toward America. Montgomery, Deane: Oswald Veblen. Halmos, P.R.: Some books of Auld Lang Syne. Reingold, Nathan: Refugee mathematicians in the United States of America, 1933-1941: Reception and reaction. Lefschetz, Solomon: Reminiscences of a mathematical immigrant in the U.S. Niven, Ivan: The threadbare Thirties. Bers, Lipman: The European mathematicians' migration to America. Kaplansky, Irving: Abraham Adrian Alber. Lehmer, D.H.: A half century of reviewing. Price, G. Baley: American mathematicians in WWI. American mathematicians in war service. Rees, Mina: The mathematical sciences and world war service. Hilton, Peter: Reminiscences of Bletchley Park, 1942-1945. Rosser, J. Barkely: Mathematics and mathematicians in WWII. Goldstine, Herman H.: A brief history of the computer. Mac Lane, Saunders: Concepts and categories in perspective. Hall, Marshall, Jr.: Mathematical biography. Chern, Shiing-Shen: American differential geometry--Some personal notes. Price, G. Baley: The mathematical scene, 1940-1965. Massey, W.S.: Reminiscences of forty years as a mathematician. Davis, Chandler: The purge. Hamming, R.W.: The use of mathematics. Knuth, Donald E.: Algorithmic themes. Gorenstein, Daniel: The classification of the finite simple groups, a personal journey: The early years. Birkhoff, Garrett: Mathematics at Harvard, 1836-1944. Birkhoff, Garrett: The scientific work of Maxime Bôcher. Walsh, J.L.: William Fogg Osgood. Dorwart, Harold: Mathematics and Yale in the 1920s. Klein, Martin J.: The scientific style of Josiah Willard Gibbs. Smith, P.F.: The Department of Mathematics. Mac Lane, Saunders: Mathematics at the University of Chicago: A brief history. Parshall, Karen Hunger: Eliakim Hastings Moore and the founding of a mathematical community in America, 1892-1902. Duren, William L., Jr.: Graduate student at Chicago in the '20s. Stone, Marshall H.: Reminiscences of mathematics at Chicago. Browder, Felix E.: The stone age of mathematics on the Midway. Aspray, William: The emergence of Princeton as a world center for mathematical research, 1896-1939. Mac Lane, Saunders: Topology and logic at Princeton. Rota, Gian-Carlo: Fine Hall in its golden age: Remembrances of Princeton in the early fifties. Royden, Halsey: The history of the Mathematics Department at Stanford. Rosenbloom, P.C.: Studying under Pólya and Szegö at Stanford. Rider, Robin E.: An opportune time: Griffith C. Evans and mathematics at Berkeley. Morawetz, Cathleen S.: The Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences. Richardson, R.G.D.: The Ph.D. degree and mathematical research. Green, Judy, LaDuke, Jeanne: Women in American mathematics: A century of contributions. Duren, William L., Jr.: Mathematics in American society. Cohen, Leon W.: Recollections of a mathematical innocent in Washington. Lax, Peter: The flowering of applied mathematics in America. Greenberg, John L., Goodstein, Judith R.: Theodore von Kármán and applied mathematics in America. McMillan, Brockway: Norbert Wiener and chaos. Taussky, Olga: Some noncommutativity methods in algebraic number theory. Osserman, Robert: The geometry renaissance in America: 1938-1988. Bott, Raoul: The topological constraints on analysis. Kleiman, Steven L.: The development of intersection homology theory. Parshall, Karen Hunger, Rowe, David E.: American mathematics comes of age: 1875-1900. Cooke, Roger, Rickey, V. Frederick: W.E. Story of Hopkins and Clark. Rosenstein, George M., Jr.: The best method: American calculus textbooks of the 19th century. Scott, Charlotte Angas: Edwards' differential calculus. Borel, Armand: The School of Mathematics at the Institute for Advanced Study. Lorch, Edgar R.: Mathematics at Columbia during adolesence. Struik, Dirk J.: The MIT Department of Mathematics during its first 75 years: Some recollections. Kaplan, Wilfred: Mathematics at the University of Michigan. Wilder, Raymond L.: Reminiscences of mathematics at Michigan. Lewis, Albert C.: The building of the University of Texas mathematics faculty, 1883-1938. Kenschaft, Patricia Clark: Scott, Charlotte Angas (1858-1931). Langer, Rudolph E., Ingraham, Mark H.: Edward Burr Van Vleck, 1863-1943. Wilder, Raymond L.: The mathematical work of R.L. Moore: Its background, nature and influence. Grinstein, Louise S., Campbell, Paul J.: Anna Johnson Pell Wheeler (1883-1966). Masani, P.R.: Norbert Wiener: A survey of a fragment of his life and work. Coifman, Ronald R., Strichartz, Robert S.: The school of Antoni Zygmund. Askey, Richard: Handbooks of special functions. Suppes, Patrick, Barwise, John, Feferman, Solomon: Commemorative meeting for Alfred Tarski, Stanford University--November 7, 1983. Reid, Constance, Robinson, Raphael M.: Julia Bowman Robinson (1919-1985). Wermer, John: Function algebras in the fifties and sixties. Mac Lane, Saunders: Addendum: Concepts and categories in perspective. Ahlfors, L.V.: The joy of function theory. Donaldson, James A.: Black Americans in mathematics. Kelley, J.L.: Once over lightly. Mac Lane, Saunders: The applied mathematics group at Columbia in World War II. Mac Lane, Saunders: The education of Ph.D.s in mathematics. Pitcher, Everett: Off the record. Stigler, Stephen M.: Mathematical statistics in the early states. Doob, J.L.: William Feller and 20th-century probability. Craig, Cecil C.: Early days in statistics at Michigan. Eisenhart, Churchill: S.S. Wilks' Princeton appointment, and statistics at Princeton before Wilk. DeGroot, Morris H.: A conversation with David Blackwell. Nesbitt, Cecil J.: Personal reflecitons on actuarial science in North America. Merzbach, Uta C.: The study of the history of mathematics in America: A centennial sketch. Burchsted, Frederic F.: Sources for the history of mathematics in the archives of American mathematics.

Reviewed By

Review Seligman, G.B. (1991) Review of "A century of mathematics in America. With the assistance of Richard A. Askey, Merzbach, Uta C.". Historia Mathematica (pp. 82-85). unapi

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Authors & Contributors
American Academy Workshop on the Evolution of Modern Mathematics
Aspray, William F.
Aveni, Anthony F.
Bonjean, Charles M.
Botstein, David
Bradleya, Robert E.
Historia Mathematica
Journal of the American Medical Association
University of Texas Press
American Mathematical Society
Geological Society of America
Nuttall Ornithological Club
ACM Press
Bibliothèque interuniversitaire de médecine et d'odontologie: De Boccard Édition-Diffusion
East Asia, civilization and culture
Bouchet, Edward Alexander
Euler, Leonhard
Klein, Felix
McClintock, Barbara
Moore, Eliakim Hastings
Sylvester, James Joseph
Time Periods
18th century
20th century
16th century
15th century
17th century
19th century
Great Britain
United States
Middle and Near East
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St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences

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