Description “The discovery of synthetic dyestuff has often been considered as the turning point towards much closer linkage between chemistry and the manufacture of useful products. How this occurred can best be seen in the case of August Wilhelm Hofmann, who for two decades after 1845 was director of the Royal College of Chemistry in London. As the teacher of many pioneers of the dye industry, Hofmann can be considered its first scientific leader.”
Belt, Henk van den;
Comment décider de l'originalité d'une invention? A.W. Hofmann et le litige du rouge d'aniline en France (1860-1863)
Travis, Anthony S.;
Theory from practice: Portraying the constitution of synthetic dyestuffs in the 1860s
Seth C. Rasmussen;
Early history of polyaniline—revisited: Russian contributions of Fritzsche and Zinin
Die Allianz von Wissenschaft und Industrie: August Wilhelm Hofmann (1818-1892): Zeit, Werk, Wirkung
Chemie und Chemiker in Berlin: Die Ära August Wilhelm von Hofmann, 1865-1892: Katalog und Lesebuch zur Ausstellung anlässlich des 100. Todestags August Wilhelm von Hofmanns am 5. Mai 1992: vom 4. Mai bis 31. Mai 1992 im Thaer-Saal der Fakultät für Landwirtschaft und Gartenbau der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Jackson, Catherine M.;
Synthetical Experiments and Alkaloid Analogues: Liebig, Hofmann, and the Origins of Organic Synthesis
Jackson, Catherine M.;
Re-examining the Research School: August Wilhelm Hofmann and the Re-creation of a Liebigian Research School in London
Kämmerer, Hermann;
Hessische Chemiker bei der Entwicklung organischer Chemie: Justus Liebig, August Wilhelm Hofmann, Hermann Staudinger
Warnhoff, Edgar W.;
When piperidine was a structural problem
Oelsner, Reiner;
August Wilhelm von Hofmann: Fallstudie zur marxistischen Dialektik zwischen Philosophie und Naturwissenschaften
Schiemenz, Günter P.;
August Wilhelm Hofmann und die Nomenklatur der organischen Verbindungen der Elemente der fünften Hauptgruppe
Rocke, Alan J.;
Pride and prejudice in chemistry: Kolbe, Hofmann, and German antisemitism
Krätz, Otto;
Historische Experimente (1849): A. W. Hofmann, Darstellung verschiedener organischer Basen (Zu den Anfängen der “Typentheorie”)
Keas, Michael N.;
The structure and philosophy of group research: August Wilhelm Hofmann's research program in London (1845-1865)
Catherine M. Jackson;
Molecular World: Making Modern Chemistry
Arthur Greenberg;
The Mulhouse Chemistry School, Professor Emilio Noelting and Triphenylcarbinyl Dyes
David E. Lewis;
“The Chemical History of Color,” but Just Two Kinds of Them
Gary Patterson;
John Mercer (1791-1866): The Most Colorful Chemist in the 19th Century
Mat Paskins;
Dyeing off: On the deaths of dyestuffs as scientific objects
Alexander Kraft;
On the History of Prussian Blue: Thomas Everitt (1805-1845) and Everitt's Salt
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