Book ID: CBB000039562

The natural philosophy of Leibniz (1985)


Okruhlik, Kathleen (Editor)
Brown, James Robert (Editor)


Publication Date: 1985
Physical Details: viii + 342 pp.; notes; index

Description Contents: Okruhlik, Kathleen, Brown, James Robert: The natural philosophy of Leibniz. Duchesneau, François: The problem of indiscernibles in Leibniz's 1671 mechanics. Garber, Daniel: Leibniz and the foundations of physics: The middle years. Hacking, Ian: Why motion is only a well-founded phenomenon. Hunter, Graeme: Monadic relations. McRae, Robert: Miracles and laws. Okruhlik, Kathleen: The status of scientific laws in the Leibnizian system. Butts, Robert E.: Leibniz on the side of the angels. Mittelstrass, Jürgen: Leibniz and Kant on mathematical and philosophical knowledge. Arthur, Richard T. W.: Leibniz's theory of time. Seager, William: Leibniz and scientific realism.

Reviewed By

Review Sayre-McCord, G. (1989) Review of "The natural philosophy of Leibniz". Philosophy of Science (pp. 173-74). unapi

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Authors & Contributors
Rutherford, Donald P.
Anapolitanos, Dionysios A.
Bolton, Martha Brandt
Courtine, Jean-François
Fenton, Norman E.
Hecht, Hartmut
Journal of the History of Philosophy
Dialogue: Canadian Philosophical Review
Environmental Ethics
Isis: International Review Devoted to the History of Science and Its Cultural Influences
Journal of the History of Ideas
Nature and System
Cambridge University Press
Kluwer Academic
Paon Press
Matter theory
Explanation; hypotheses; theories
Biodegradation; decomposition (biology); decay
Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm von
Descartes, René
Clarke, Samuel
Conway, Anne
Harsdörffer, Georg Philipp
Locke, John
Time Periods
17th century
British Isles

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