Article ID: CBB000038590

Jan Evangelista Purkyně and the origin of the cell theory. Proceedings of the workshop, Mikulov, September 1-3, 1987 (1989/90)


Description Special issue. Contents: D. von Engelhardt: Biology and natural philosophy around 1800: Purkyně between metaphysics and empiricism. J. Loužil: Purkyně's concept of generation within the frame of romantic Naturphilosophie. Sekerák, J.: Sources of Purkyně's idea of involution and evolution. Sajner, J., Jakrlová, J.: Die Entstehung und Metamorphosen des Begriffes Protoplasma. Di Trocchio, F.: Cellular tissue, crystals and cytogenesis. Novák, V.J.A.: J.B. Lamarck and cell theory. Krausse, E.: The contribution of the phytotomists, especially Hugo von Mohl's (1805-1872) to the cell theory. Wood, R.J.: Martin Barry (1802-1855) and his theory of blood corpuscles as determinants of the organism derived from both parents. Janko, J., V. Orel: The cell in Purkyně's concept of procreation. Obermajer, J.: Purkyně's analogies of procreation with digestion. Svoboda, A.: Contribution of J.E. Purkyně to the formulation of scientific hypotheses on the cell theory and genetics. Farley, John: Cells as individuals: The life-cycles of plants. Nakazawa, S.: Cell polarity as a question after the cell theory. Priestland, N.: J.E. Purkyně: His appearance in contemporary British scientific literature. Siegelová, J.: A historical note on the Purkyně fibres. Štrbáňová, S.: The impact of the cell theory on the rise of biochemistry. O. Nečas, S.: Purkyně's ideas of the cell in the light of the cell theory of today.

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Authors & Contributors
Janko, Jan
Kruta, Vladislav
Sajner, Josef
Chvátal, Alexandr
Aterman, Kurt
Berg, John R.
DVT, Dějiny věd a techniky
Folia Mendeliana Musei Moravia
Journal of the History of the Neurosciences
Human Neurobiology
Medizinhistorisches Journal
Sudhoffs Archiv: Zeitschrift fuer Wissenschaftsgeschichte
Deutsche Akademie der Naturforscher Leopoldina
Ustav Československych a světovych dějin ČSAV
Libraries and archives
Comparative physiology
Purkyne, Jan Evangelista
Schwann, Theodor
Bates, Donald George
Lu, You
Prusiner, Stanley B.
Remak, Robert
Time Periods
19th century
18th century
Universität Breslau

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