Orel, Vítězslav (Editor)
Matalová, Anna (Editor)
Description Special issue. Contents: D. von Engelhardt: Biology and natural philosophy around 1800: Purkyně between metaphysics and empiricism. J. Loužil: Purkyně's concept of generation within the frame of romantic Naturphilosophie. Sekerák, J.: Sources of Purkyně's idea of involution and evolution. Sajner, J., Jakrlová, J.: Die Entstehung und Metamorphosen des Begriffes Protoplasma. Di Trocchio, F.: Cellular tissue, crystals and cytogenesis. Novák, V.J.A.: J.B. Lamarck and cell theory. Krausse, E.: The contribution of the phytotomists, especially Hugo von Mohl's (1805-1872) to the cell theory. Wood, R.J.: Martin Barry (1802-1855) and his theory of blood corpuscles as determinants of the organism derived from both parents. Janko, J., V. Orel: The cell in Purkyně's concept of procreation. Obermajer, J.: Purkyně's analogies of procreation with digestion. Svoboda, A.: Contribution of J.E. Purkyně to the formulation of scientific hypotheses on the cell theory and genetics. Farley, John: Cells as individuals: The life-cycles of plants. Nakazawa, S.: Cell polarity as a question after the cell theory. Priestland, N.: J.E. Purkyně: His appearance in contemporary British scientific literature. Siegelová, J.: A historical note on the Purkyně fibres. Štrbáňová, S.: The impact of the cell theory on the rise of biochemistry. O. Nečas, S.: Purkyně's ideas of the cell in the light of the cell theory of today.
Alexandr Chvátal;
Discovering the Structure of Nerve Tissue: Part 2: Gabriel Valentin, Robert Remak, and Jan Evangelista Purkyně
Alexandr Chvátal;
Jan Evangelista Purkyně (1787–1869) and His Instruments for Microscopic Research in the Field of Neuroscience
Sajner, Josef;
Johann Ev. Purkyněs Bibliothek
Jonecko, Antoni;
Die polnischsprachige Erstbeschreibung der Sarkosporidien-Zystem und Reizleitungsfasern im Herzgewebe durch Johann E. Purkyně im Jahre 1839: Eine Widerholung seiner Untersuchungen
Janko, Jan;
Purkyňuv okruh a základy ekologického myšlené v Českých zemích. (Purkyně's circle and the foundations of ecological thinking in Bohemia.)
Orel, Vítězslav;
Janko, Jan;
Geus, Armin;
The enigma of generation in connection with heredity in the teaching of J.E. Purkyně (1787-1869)
Grüsser, Otto-Joachim;
J.E. Purkyně's contributions to the physiology of the visual, the vestibular and the oculomotor systems
Obermajer, Jaroslav;
Purkyňovy analogie na přikladu trávení. (Purkyně's analogies applied to digestion.)
Štrbáňová, Soňa;
Chemie ve fyziologických koncepcích J.E. Purkyně. (Chemistry in Purkyně's physiological concepts.)
Kruta, Vladislav;
The idea of the primary unity of elements in the microscopic structure of animals and plants: J.E. Purkyně and Th. Schwann
Matalová, Anna;
J.E. Purkyně und die Theorie der Zellen von Th. Schwann
Brožek, Josef;
J.E. Purkyně and psychology, with a focus on unpublished manuscripts
Janko, Jan;
Die Geburt der tschechischen Naturwissenschaft: J.E. Purkinje und seine deutschen Kollegen
Purkyně, Jan Evangelista;
Abhandlung über die physiologische Untersuchung des Sehorgans und des Hautsystems. Übers. von Ebert, Joachim und Zlábek, Karel; eingeleitet und erläutert von Kruta, Vladislav
Kruta, Vladislav;
Eindrücke aus der Berliner Naturforscher-Versammlung (1822) in Briefen eines Teilnehmers (J. E. Purkyně an seine Frau geb. Rudolphi)
Aterman, Kurt;
Jan Evangelista Purkyně's votum (1847) on the admission of Jews to academic positions at the University of Breslau
Purš, Jaroslav;
Jan Evangelista Purkeyně in science and culture. Scientific conference, Prague, August 26-30, 1987
Janko, Jan;
K Purkynovu členství ve Vídenské Akademii Věd. (On the membership on Purkyně in the Vienna Academy of Sciences.)
Sajner, Josef;
Nově objevená recenze J.E. Purkyně. (A newly discovered book review by J.E. Purkyně.)
Berg, John R.;
J. E. Purkyně's summary of his physiological research, prepared for the French Academy of Sciences
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