Book ID: CBB000038368

The history of modern mathematics (1989)


Rowe, David E. (Editor)
McCleary, John (Editor)

Academic Press

Publication Date: 1989
Edition Details: Volume 1: Ideas and their reception. Volume 2: Institutions and applications. Proceedings of the Symposium on the History of Modern Mathematics, Vassar College, Poughkeepsie, New York, June 20-24, 1988
Physical Details: 2 vols.; xvi + 453 pp; xvi + 325 pp.; illus.; notes

Description Papers are entered separately in the present bibliography.

Reviewed By

Review Tait, W.W. (1993) Review of "The history of modern mathematics". Synthese (pp. 293-331). unapi

Review Ewing, J. (1992) Review of "The history of modern mathematics". Historia Mathematica (pp. 93-98). unapi

Includes Chapters

Chapter Archibald, Thomas (1989) Physics as a constraint on mathematical research: The case of potential theory and electrodynamics. In: The history of modern mathematics (p. 29). unapi

Chapter Struik, Dirk J. (1989) Schouten, Levi-Civita, and the emergence of tensor calculus. In: The history of modern mathematics (p. 99). unapi

Chapter Grattan-Guinness, I. (1989) Modes and manners of applied mathematics: The case of mechanics. In: The history of modern mathematics (p. 109). unapi

Chapter Dahan Dalmedico, Amy (1989) La propagation des ondes en eau profonde et ses développements mathématiques: Poisson, Cauchy, 1815-1825. In: The history of modern mathematics (p. 129). unapi

Chapter Aspray, William (1989) The transformation of numerical analysis by the computer: An example from the work of John von Neumann. In: The history of modern mathematics (p. 307). unapi

Chapter McCleary, John (1989) A theory of reception for the history of mathematics. In: The history of modern mathematics (p. 3). unapi

Chapter Purkert, Walter (1989) Cantor's views on the foundations of mathematics. In: The history of modern mathematics (p. 49). unapi

Chapter Edwards, Harold M. (1989) Kronecker's views on the foundations of mathematics. In: The history of modern mathematics (p. 67). unapi

Chapter Pycior, Helena M. (1989) British synthetic vs. French analytic styles of algebra in the early American Republic. In: The history of modern mathematics (p. 125). unapi

Chapter Scholz, Erhard (1989) Crystallographic symmetry concepts and group theory (1850-1880). In: The history of modern mathematics (p. 3). unapi

Chapter Schubring, Gert (1989) Pure and applied mathematics in divergent institutional settings in Germany: The role and impact of Felix Klein. In: The history of modern mathematics (p. 171). unapi

Chapter Tobies, Renate (1989) On the contribution of mathematical societies to promoting applications of mathematics in Germany. In: The history of modern mathematics (p. 223). unapi

Chapter Knobloch, Eberhard (1989) Mathematics at the Berlin Technische Hochschule/Technische Universität: Social, institutional, and scientific aspects. In: The history of modern mathematics (p. 251). unapi

Chapter Owens, Larry (1989) Mathematicians at war: Warren Weaver and the Applied Mathematics Panel, 1942-1945. In: The history of modern mathematics (p. 287). unapi

Chapter Moore, Gregory H. (1989) Towards a history of Cantor's Continuum Problem. In: The history of modern mathematics (p. 79). unapi

Chapter Parshall, Karen Hunger (1989) Toward a history of 19th-century invariant theory. In: The history of modern mathematics (p. 157). unapi

Chapter Chemla, Karine (1989) The background to Gergonne's treatment of duality: Spherical trigonometry in the late 18th century. In: The history of modern mathematics (p. 331). unapi

Chapter Cooke, Roger (1989) Abel's Theorem. In: The history of modern mathematics (p. 389). unapi

Chapter Frei, Günther (1989) Heinrich Weber and the emergence of class field theory. In: The history of modern mathematics (p. 425). unapi

Chapter Lützen, Jesper (1989) The geometrization of analytical mechanics: A pioneering contribution by J. Liouville (ca. 1850). In: The history of modern mathematics (p. 77). unapi

Chapter Nowak, Gregory (1989) Riemann's Habilitationsvortrag and the synthetic a priori status of geometry. In: The history of modern mathematics (p. 17). unapi

Chapter Rowe, David E. (1989) The early geometrical works of Sophus Lie and Felix Klein. In: The history of modern mathematics (p. 209). unapi

Chapter Hawkins, Thomas (1989) Line geometry, differential equations, and the birth of Lie's theory of groups. In: The history of modern mathematics (p. 275). unapi

Chapter Gray, J.J. (1989) Algebraic geometry in the late 19th century. In: The history of modern mathematics (p. 361). unapi

Citation URI

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Authors & Contributors
Rowe, David E.
Hilbert, David
Demidov, Serghei S.
Folkerts, Menso
Horng, Wann-Sheng
Knobloch, Eberhard
Isis: International Review Devoted to the History of Science and Its Cultural Influences
Historia Mathematica
Mathematical Intelligencer
Metascience: An International Review Journal for the History, Philosophy and Social Studies of Science
NTM: Zeitschrift für Geschichte der Naturwissenschaften, Technik und Medizin
Academic Press
History of science, as a discipline
Transmission of ideas
Global history
Scientific innovation
Hilbert, David
Klein, Felix
Neugebauer, Otto
Wussing, Hans
Dauben, Joseph W.
Time Periods
19th century
20th century
20th century, late
21st century

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