Rescher, Nicholas (Editor)
Description Contents: Earman, John: Leibniz and the absolute vs. relational dispute. Hartz, Glenn: Leibniz on why Descartes metaphysics of body is necessarily false. Grosholz, Emily: Leibniz' formalist realism and an early problem in the theory of science. Françoise Duchesneau: The principle of indiscernibles and Leibniz' theory of science. Frankel, Lois: Causation, harmony, and analogy. Kovach, Francis J.: Action at a distance in the cosmology and the metaphysics of Leibniz. Majer, Ulrich: Leibniz' conception of a physical system as an essential part of his theory of life. Gale, George: Physics, metaphysics, and natures: Leibniz' later aristotelianism. Mainzer, Klaus: Metaphysics of nature and mathematics in the philosophy of Leibniz. McCullough, Larry: Illness, disease, and the expression of the body by the mind: A preliminary sketch of Leibniz' philosophy of medicine. Leslie, John: The Leibnizian richness of our universe. Lenzen, Wolfgang: Arithmetical vs. `real' additon: A case study of the relation between logic, mathematics and metaphysics in Leibniz. Wilson, Catherine: The combinatorial universe: Scientific language and metaphysics in Leibniz. Burkhardt, Hans: Whole and part in Leibniz' metaphysics.
Seager, William;
The principle of continuity and the evaluation of theories
Heinekamp, Albert;
Leibniz et la Renaissance. Colloque du Centre National de la Recherche Scientific (Paris), du Centre d'Études Supérieures de la Renaissance (Tours), et de la G. W. Leibniz-Gesellschaft (Hannover), Domaine de Seillac (France) du 17 au 21 juin 1981
Börnsen, Hans;
Leibniz' Substanzbegriff und Goethes Gedanke der Metamorphose
Woolhouse, R.S.;
Descartes, Spinoza, Leibniz: The concept of substance in 17th-century metaphysics
Westerhoff, Jan C.;
Poeta calculans: Harsdörffer, Leibniz, and the mathesis universalis
Evers, M.;
Jean Le Clerc versus G.W. Leibniz: Ein Disput ohne Annäherung
Robinet, André;
La refonte de la refonte: Leibniz face à Bacon
Predaval Magrini, Maria Vittoria;
Motivi anticartesiani in un inedito di Leibniz dedicato a Fardella
Boeder, Heribert;
Leibniz und das Prinzip der neueren Philosophie
Courtine, Jean-François;
Leibniz et la langue adamique
Rutherford, Donald;
Leibniz and the rational order of nature
O'Briant, Walter H.;
Leibniz's contribution to environmental philosophy
The Leibniz Renaissance: International workshop (Firenze, 2-5 giugno 1986)
Weizsäcker, Carl Friedrich von;
Rudolph, Enno;
Zeit und Logik bei Leibniz: Studien zu Problemen der Naturphilosophie, Mathematik, Logik und Metaphysik
Drago, Antonino;
Leibniz' Scientia generalis re-interpreted and accomplished by means of modern scientific theories
Shapin, Steven;
Of gods and kings: Natural philosophy and politics in the Leibniz-Clarke disputes
McRae, Robert;
Time and the monad
Merchant, Carolyn;
The vitalism of Anne Conway: Its impact on Leibniz's concept of the monad
Hecht, Hartmut;
Der Denkeinsatz des jungen Leibniz im Spiegel philosophischer und naturwissenschaftlicher Grundprobleme
Valdecantos Alcaide, Antonio;
Aristóteles entre los modernos: Una empresa frustrada del joven Leibniz
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