Book ID: CBB000032820

Frontiers of physics: Proceedings of the Landau Memorial Conference, Tel Aviv, Israel, 6-10 June 1988 (1990)



Publication Date: 1990
Edition Details: Edited by Errol (Asher) Gotsman, Ne'eman, Yuval, Voronel, Alexander.
Physical Details: ix + 441 pp.; illus.; notes; index

Description The historical section (pp. 3-96) contains eleven reminiscences on Landau and his work.

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Authors & Contributors
Khalatnikov, I. M.
Livanova, Anna
Akhiezer, Alexander I.
Bessarab, M. Ia.
Boiarintsev, Vladimir
Dremin, I. M.
Physics Today
American Journal of Physics
Historical Studies in the Physical and Biological Sciences
Kultur & Technik: Zeitschrift des Deutschen Museums
Osiris: A Research Journal Devoted to the History of Science and Its Cultural Influences
Physics World
World Scientific
University of Toronto
Moskovskii Rabochii
Pergamon Press
Stars; stellar astronomy
Quantum mechanics
Molecular and solid state physics
Atomic, nuclear, and particle physics
Landau, Lev Davidovich
Sakharov, Andrei
Bardeen, John
Bohr, Niels Henrik David
Bragg, William Henry
Bragg, William Lawrence
Time Periods
20th century
20th century, early
Soviet Union

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