Cottingham, John (Editor)
Description Contents: Rodis-Lewis, Geneviève: Descartes' life and the development of his philosophy. Ariew, Roger: Descartes and scholasticism: The intellectual background to Descartes' thought. Gaukroger, Stephen: The nature of abstract reasoning: Philosophical aspects of Descartes' work in algebra. Marion, Jean-Luc: Cartesian metaphysics and the role of the simple natures. Markie, Peter: The Cogito and its importace. Beyssade, Jean-Marie: The idea of God and the proofs of his existence. Loeb, Louis E.: The Cartesian circle. Cottingham, John: Cartesian dualism: Theology, metaphysics, and science. Clarke, Desmond: Descartes' philosophy of science and the scientific revolution. Garber, Daniel: Descartes' physics. Hatfield, Gary: Descartes' physiology and its relation to his psychology. Rorty, Amélie Oksenberg: Descartes on thinking with the body. Jolley, Nicholas: The reception of Descartes' philosophy.
Review Lindborg, R. (1993) Review of "The Cambridge companion to Descartes". Lychnos (pp. 214-16).
Review Rozemond, M. (1994) Review of "The Cambridge companion to Descartes". Journal of the History of Philosophy (pp. 304-6).
Review Baker, G.P.; Morris, K.J. (1994) Review of "The Cambridge companion to Descartes". International Journal of Philosophical Studies (pp. 116-129).
Review Grosholz, E.R. (1994) Review of "The Cambridge companion to Descartes". Isis: International Review Devoted to the History of Science and Its Cultural Influences (pp. 151-52).
Chapter Gaukroger, Stephen (1992) The nature of abstract reasoning: Philosophical aspects of Descartes' work in algebra. In: The Cambridge companion to Descartes (p. 91).
Chapter Garber, Daniel (1992) Descartes' physics. In: The Cambridge companion to Descartes (p. 286).
Chapter Hatfield, Gary (1992) Descartes' physiology and its relation to his psychology. In: The Cambridge companion to Descartes (p. 335).
Leibowitz, Flora;
Inference to the best explanation and Descartes' conception of matter
John N. Martin;
The Cartesian Semantics of the Port Royal Logic
Rousset, Bernard;
Spinoza, lecteur des Objections faites aux Méditations de Descartes et de ses Réponses
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Selbstorganisation und Selbstgesetzgebung. Form und Grenze einer Analogie in der Philosophie Kants und Hegels
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La rivoluzione scientifica: Una brevissima introduzione
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Descartes' medical philosophy: The organic solution to the mind-body problem
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René Descartes’s Natural Philosophy and Particular Bodies
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Cartesian Critters Can't Remember
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Descartes et ses mathématiques
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La question des passions chez Regius et Descartes. Premiéres éléments d’interpretation
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The principle of continuity and the evaluation of theories
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Galileo and Descartes on Copernicanism and the Cause of the Tides
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Mechanistic Trends in Chemistry
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Cause and Effect in Leibniz’s Brevis demonstratio
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On Natural Geometry and Seeing Distance Directly in Descartes
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The Medical Cartesianism of Henricus Regius: Disciplinary Partitions, Mechanical Reductionism and Methodological Aspects
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A History of the Centuries-Long Argument over What Makes Living Things Tick
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Willem Koops;
University of Utrecht 1636–1676: res ecclesia, res publica and … res pecunia
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Descartes’ Bio-Medical Study of Plants: Vegetative Activities, Soul, and Power
Essay Review
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A Contextualist History of Cartesian Philosophy: Roger Ariew's Descartes and the First Cartesians
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