Description Contents: Jaritz, Kurt: Ernst Weidner--Gelehrter und Mensch. Leichty, Erle: The origins of scholarship. Rochberg, Francesca: The cultural locus of astronomy in late Babylonia. Parpola, Simo: Mesopotamian astrology and astronomy as domains of the Mesopotamian “wisdom”. Britton, John P.: Scientific astronomy in pre-Seleucid Babylon. Jones, Alexander: Evidence for Babylonian arithmethical schemes in Greek astronomy. Grasshoff, Gerd: The Babylonian tradition of celestial phenomena and Ptolemy's fixed star calendar. Kuyper, Jozef de: Mesopotamian astronomy and astrology as seen by Greek literature: The Chaldaeans. Hunger, Hermann: Astronomische Beobachtungen in neubabylonischer Zeit. Horowitz, Wayne: The reverse of the neo-Assyrian planisphere CT 33 11. Chadwick, Robert: Identifying comets and meteors in celestial observation literature. Koch, Johannes: Das Sternbild mul maš-tab-ba-tur-tur. Tuman, Vladimir S.: Astronomical dating of observed and recorded events in V R 46. Steiner, Gerd: Ein Bolid in Anatolien als Manifestation einer Gottheit. Koch-Westenholz, Ulla: Mesopotamian astrology at Hattusas. Farber, Walter: Zur Orthographie von EAE 22: Neue Lesungen und Versuch einer Deutung. Pingree, David: Venus phenomena in Enūma Anu Enlil. Berger, Paul-Richard: Imaginäre Astrologie in spätbabylonischer Propaganda. Wolters, Albert: An allusion to Libra in Daniel 5. Bobrova, Larissa, Militarev, Alexander: From Mesopotamia to Greece: On the origin of Semitic and Greek star-names. Brack-Bernsen, Lis: Babylonische Mondtexte: Beobachtung und Theorie. Slotsky, Alice: The Uruk solstice scheme revisited. Bremner, Robert W.: The shadow length table in MUL.APIN. Friberg, Jöran: On the structure of cuneiform metrological table texts from the -1st Millennium. BIBLIOGRAPHY of Babylonian astronomy and astrology.
Review yrup, J. Hø (1996) Review of "Die Rolle der Astronomie in den Kulturen Mesopotamiens: Beiträge zum 3. Grazer Morgenländischen Symposion (23.-27. September 1991)". Archives Internationales d'Histoire des Sciences (pp. 159-61).
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