Article ID: CBB000021332

The Forster collection of zoological drawings in the British Museum (Natural History) (1978)


Description The drawings made by Georg Forster (1754-1794) on Cook's second voyage.

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Authors & Contributors
Bödecker, Hans Erich
Strack, Thomas
Braun, Martin
Dawson, Ruth P.
Dippel, Horst
Ette, Ottmar
Biologisches Zentralblatt
Central European History
Hawaiian Journal of History
Historical Journal
Historische Zeitschrift
History of European Ideas
Acta Humaniora
Holos Verlag
University of Chicago Press
V&R Unipress
Travel; exploration
Sea travel
Science and literature
Science and politics
Forster, Georg
Forster, Johann Reinhold
Kant, Immanuel
Banks, Joseph
Chamisso, Adelbert Von
Humboldt, Alexander von
Time Periods
18th century
19th century
Great Britain
Pacific Ocean

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