Essay Review ID: CBB000009248

The scholastic mind of Galileo: The Jesuit connection (1980)


Description Essay review of William A. Wallace, Galileo's early notebooks (Notre Dame, 1977).

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Authors & Contributors
Balestra, Dominic J.
Baroncini, Gabriele
Blackwell, Richard J.
Coelho, Victor
Cohen, H. Floris
Drake, Stillman
Journal of the History of Ideas
American Journal of Physics
Belfagor: Rassegna di Varia Umanità
Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association
Review of Metaphysics
Revista da Sociedade Brasileira de Historia de Ciência
Gallimard, Julliard
Kluwer Academic
Olschki [for the Pontificia Academia Scientiarum]
Explanation; hypotheses; theories
Galilei, Galileo
Achillini, Alessandro
Bellarmine, Roberto Francesco Romolo
Brecht, Bertolt
Copernicus, Nicolaus
Darwin, Charles Robert
Time Periods
17th century
20th century

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