Description Contents: Snow, C. P.: Einstein. Fürth, Reinhold: Personal reminiscences. Infeld, Leopold: To Albert Einstein on his 75th birthday. Holub, Miroslav: Brief thoughts on the theory of relativity. Cawkell, Tony, Garfield, Eugene: Assessing Einstein's impact on today's science by citation analysis. Dirac, P. A. M.: The excellence of Einstein's theory of gravitation. Bohm, David, Hiley, Basil: Einstein and non-locality in quantum theory. Blanpied, William: Einstein as guru? The case of Bose. Peacocke, A. R.: The theory of relativity and our world view. Barthes, Roland: The brain of Einstein. Rotblat, Joseph: Einstein the pacifist warrior. Easlea, Brian: Einstein's political struggle. Einstein on civil liberties. Chaitkin, Bill: Einstein and architecture. Courtenay, Philip: Einstein and art. Clarke, Arthur C.: Einstein and science fiction. Calcraft, Lee: Einstein and relativity theory in modern literature. Wheeler, John Archibald: Einstein and other seekers of the larger view.
Hentschel, Klaus;
Der Einstein-Turm: Erwin F. Freundlich und die Relativitätstheorie--Ansätze zu einer “dichten Beschreibung” von institutionellen, biographischen und theoriengeschichtlichen Aspekten
Wazeck, Milena;
(April 2013)
Marginalization Processes in Science: The Controversy About the Theory of Relativity in the 1920s
Barker, Peter;
Shugart, Cecil G.;
After Einstein: Proceedings of the Einstein Centennial Celebration at Memphis State University, 14-16 March 1979
Hazelett, Richard;
Turner, Dean;
The Einstein myth and the Ives papers: A counter-revolution in physics. With excerpts from Ives' correspondence, The Einstein myth by Turner, Dean, a condensation of Euclid or Einstein by J. J. Callahan, and papers and comments by others
Woolf, Harry;
Some strangeness in the proportion: A centennial symposium to celebrate the achievements of Albert Einstein
Albert Einstein, 1879-1979: Relativity, quanta, and cosmology in the development of the scientific thought of Albert Einstein
Schwartz, H.M.;
Einstein's first paper on relativity
Einstein, 1879-1955: Colloque du centenaire, Collège de France, 6-9 juin 1979
Abiko, Seiya;
On the chemico-thermal origins of special relativity
Holton, Gerald;
Elkana, Yehuda;
Albert Einstein: Historical and cultural perspectives. The centennial symposium in Jerusalem
Illy, József;
Einstein és a mozgó testek elektrodinamikája. (Einstein and the electrodynamics of moving bodies.)
Kleinert, Andreas;
Paul Weyland, der Berliner Einstein-Töter
Albert Einstein
D'Agostino, Salvo;
La relatività generale nel dibattito degli anni venti fra neo-kantiani ed empiristi logici: Annotazioni su recenti studi einsteiniani
Einstein, Albert;
How I created the theory of relativity. Edited by Ono, Yoshimasa
Peter Barker;
Cecil G. Shugar;
After Einstein: Proceedings of the Memphis State Einstein Centenary Conference, March 14-16, 1979
Galison, Peter;
Einstein Symposion Berlin aus Anlass der 100. Wiederkehr seines Geburtstages 25. bis 30. März 1979
Friedman, Michael L.;
Space, Time and Geometry: Einstein and Logical Empiricism
Balashov, Yuri;
Vizgin, Vladimir;
Einstein Studies in Russia
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