Book ID: CBB000008541

Einstein: The first hundred years (1980)



Publication Date: 1980
Edition Details: Edited by Maurice Goldsmith, Alan Mackay, and James Woudhuysen
Physical Details: xiii + 200 pp.; illus.; index

Description Contents: Snow, C. P.: Einstein. Fürth, Reinhold: Personal reminiscences. Infeld, Leopold: To Albert Einstein on his 75th birthday. Holub, Miroslav: Brief thoughts on the theory of relativity. Cawkell, Tony, Garfield, Eugene: Assessing Einstein's impact on today's science by citation analysis. Dirac, P. A. M.: The excellence of Einstein's theory of gravitation. Bohm, David, Hiley, Basil: Einstein and non-locality in quantum theory. Blanpied, William: Einstein as guru? The case of Bose. Peacocke, A. R.: The theory of relativity and our world view. Barthes, Roland: The brain of Einstein. Rotblat, Joseph: Einstein the pacifist warrior. Easlea, Brian: Einstein's political struggle. Einstein on civil liberties. Chaitkin, Bill: Einstein and architecture. Courtenay, Philip: Einstein and art. Clarke, Arthur C.: Einstein and science fiction. Calcraft, Lee: Einstein and relativity theory in modern literature. Wheeler, John Archibald: Einstein and other seekers of the larger view.

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Authors & Contributors
Barker, Peter
Shugart, Cecil G.
Abiko, Seiya
Balashov, Yuri
D'Agostino, Salvatore
Einstein, Albert
American Journal of Physics
Historical Studies in the Physical and Biological Sciences
Isis: International Review Devoted to the History of Science and Its Cultural Influences
Magyar Fizikai Folyoirat
Physics Today
Physis: Rivista Internazionale di Storia della Scienza
Memphis State Univ. Press
Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique
Johnson Reprint
Quantum mechanics
Controversies and disputes
Einstein, Albert
Freundlich, Erwin Finlay
Ives, Herbert Eugene
Poincaré, Jules Henri
Weyland, Paul
Time Periods
20th century

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