Article ID: CBB000006758

Thomas Sherley's Philosophical essay (1672): Helmontian mechanism as the basis of a new philosophy (1980)


Description That the present distinction between Robert Boyle, the modern, and Jean Baptiste van Helmont, the mystic, was less evident to their contemporaries than it is to us today is shown by an examination of an essay by Sherley (1638-1678), a physician-in-ordinary to King Charles II, which attempts to reconcile Boyle's and van Helmont's views. (G. B. KAUFFMAN)

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Authors & Contributors
Clericuzio, Antonio
Ducheyne, Steffen
Alfonso-Goldfarb, Ana Maria
Banchetti-Robino, Marina Paola
Boantza, Victor D.
Clucas, Stephen
Ambix: Journal of the Society for the History of Alchemy and Chemistry
Early Science and Medicine: A Journal for the Study of Science, Technology and Medicine in the Pre-modern Period
Marchand, Suzanne L.
Azogue: Revista Electrónica Dedicada al Estudio Histórico-Crítico de la Alquimia
British Journal for the History of Philosophy
British Journal for the History of Science
University of Chicago Press
Northwestern University
Science and religion
Helmont, Jan Baptista van
Boyle, Robert
Cavendish, Margaret, Duchess of Newcastle
Paracelsus, Theophrastus von Hohenheim
Becher, Johann Joachim
Boerhaave, Herman
Time Periods
17th century
18th century
16th century
Early modern
British Isles
Royal Society of London

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