Rothschild, Joan (Editor)
Description Contents: Stanley, Autumn: Women hold up two-thirds of the sky: Notes for a revised history of technology. Trescott, Martha Moore: Lillian Moller Gilbreth and the founding of modern industrial engineering. Hacker, Sally L.: Mathematization of engineering: Limits on women and the field. Feldberg, Roslyn L., Glenn, Evelyn Nakano: Technology and work degradation: Effects of office automation on women clerical workers. Rothschild, Joan: Technology, housework, and women's liberation: A theoretical analysis. Merchant, Carolyn: Mining the Earth's womb. King, Ynestra: Toward an ecological feminism and a feminist ecology. Keller, Evelyn Fox: Women, science, and popular mythology. Bush, Corlann Gee: Women and the assessment of technology: To think, to be, to unthink, to free. Gearhart, Sally M.: An end to technology: A modest proposal. Hanmer, Jalna: Reproductive technology: The future for women? Schweickart, Patrocinio: What if ... Science and technology in feminist utopias.
Review Staudenmaier, J.M. (1985) Review of "Machina ex dea: Feminist perspectives on technology". Technology and Culture (pp. 283-87).
Chapter Trescott, Martha Moore (1983) Lillian Moller Gilbreth and the founding of modern industrial engineering. In: Machina ex dea: Feminist perspectives on technology (p. 23).
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