Book ID: CBB000003082

Machina ex dea: Feminist perspectives on technology (1983)


Rothschild, Joan (Editor)


Publication Date: 1983
Physical Details: xxx + 223 pp.; notes; index

Description Contents: Stanley, Autumn: Women hold up two-thirds of the sky: Notes for a revised history of technology. Trescott, Martha Moore: Lillian Moller Gilbreth and the founding of modern industrial engineering. Hacker, Sally L.: Mathematization of engineering: Limits on women and the field. Feldberg, Roslyn L., Glenn, Evelyn Nakano: Technology and work degradation: Effects of office automation on women clerical workers. Rothschild, Joan: Technology, housework, and women's liberation: A theoretical analysis. Merchant, Carolyn: Mining the Earth's womb. King, Ynestra: Toward an ecological feminism and a feminist ecology. Keller, Evelyn Fox: Women, science, and popular mythology. Bush, Corlann Gee: Women and the assessment of technology: To think, to be, to unthink, to free. Gearhart, Sally M.: An end to technology: A modest proposal. Hanmer, Jalna: Reproductive technology: The future for women? Schweickart, Patrocinio: What if ... Science and technology in feminist utopias.

Reviewed By

Review Staudenmaier, J.M. (1985) Review of "Machina ex dea: Feminist perspectives on technology". Technology and Culture (pp. 283-87). unapi

Includes Chapters

Chapter Trescott, Martha Moore (1983) Lillian Moller Gilbreth and the founding of modern industrial engineering. In: Machina ex dea: Feminist perspectives on technology (p. 23). unapi

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Authors & Contributors
Borgmann, Albert
Cronin, Marionne
Hagood, Jonathan David
Haraway, Donna Jeanne
König, Wolfgang
Laws, David A.
Centaurus: International Magazine of the History of Mathematics, Science, and Technology
IEEE Annals of the History of Computing
Research in Philosophy and Technology
Science in Context
Technology and Culture
Basic Books
Belknap Press of Harvard University Press
Carocci Editore
Colloquium Verlag
Der Rektor der Technischen Hochschule Leipzig
Henry Ford Museum & Greenfield Village
Computers and computing
Travel; exploration
Computer industry
Artificial intelligence
Bernal, John Desmond
Jünger, Ernst
Leonardo da Vinci
Moore, Gordon E.
Byrd, Richard Evelyn (1888-1957)
Time Periods
20th century
20th century, late
21st century
19th century
20th century, early
Great Britain
California (U.S.)
Siemens AG
Verein Deutscher Ingenieure
Intel Corporation (firm)

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