Schiller, Joseph (Author)
Schiller, Tetty (Author)
Review Goodman, D.C. (1976) Review of "Henri Dutrochet (Henri du Trochet, 1776-1847): Le matérialisme mécaniste et la physiologie générale". History of Science (pp. 143-44).
Review Blandin, P. (1976) Review of "Henri Dutrochet (Henri du Trochet, 1776-1847): Le matérialisme mécaniste et la physiologie générale". Revue des Questions Scientifiques (pp. 242-43).
Review Kahane, E. (1976) Review of "Henri Dutrochet (Henri du Trochet, 1776-1847): Le matérialisme mécaniste et la physiologie générale". Pensée: Recherches Marxistes, Sciences, Société, Philosophie (pp. 147-48).
Review Rudolph, G. (1976) Review of "Henri Dutrochet (Henri du Trochet, 1776-1847): Le matérialisme mécaniste et la physiologie générale". Gesnerus (pp. 287-88).
Review Farber, P. (1977) Review of "Henri Dutrochet (Henri du Trochet, 1776-1847): Le matérialisme mécaniste et la physiologie générale". Isis: International Review Devoted to the History of Science and Its Cultural Influences (pp. 161-62).
Review Pickstone, J.V. (1978) Review of "Henri Dutrochet (Henri du Trochet, 1776-1847): Le matérialisme mécaniste et la physiologie générale". British Journal for the History of Science (pp. 49-64).
Review Canguilhem, G. (1977) Review of "Henri Dutrochet (Henri du Trochet, 1776-1847): Le matérialisme mécaniste et la physiologie générale". Archives Internationales d'Histoire des Sciences (p. 340).
Review Appel, T. (1978) Review of "Henri Dutrochet (Henri du Trochet, 1776-1847): Le matérialisme mécaniste et la physiologie générale". Bulletin of the History of Medicine (pp. 469-71).
Pickstone, J. V.;
Vital actions and organic physics: Henri Dutrochet and French physiology during the 1820's
Thesis Pickstone, J. V.; The origins of general physiology in France, with special reference to the work of R. J. H. Dutrochet (/isis/citation/CBB000018868/)
Schiller, Netty;
(1972 (pub. 1976))
Henri Dutrochet: Contributions biographiques et iconographiques
Aron, Emile;
Henri Dutrochet: Médecin et biologiste, honneur de la Touraine
Schiller, Joseph;
(1972 (pub. 1976))
Henri Dutrochet et la terminologie scientifique
Leila Kantola;
Marco Piccolino;
Nicholas J. Wade;
The Action of Light on the Retina: Translation and Commentary of Holmgren (1866)
E Allen Driggers;
‘The voice of the stomach’: the mind, hypochondriasis and theories of dyspepsia in the nineteenth century
David Trippett;
Benjamin Walton;
Nineteenth-Century Opera and the Scientific Imagination
Philosophie des Organischen in der Goethezeit: Studien zu Werk und Wirkung des Naturforschers Carl Friedrich Kielmeyer (1765-1844)
J. P. Gamboa;
Goltz against cerebral localization: Methodology and experimental practices
Richard McMahon;
National Races: Transnational Power Struggles in the Sciences and Politics of Human Diversity, 1840-1945
Grigorian, N. A.;
O pervoi russkoi fiziologicheskoi shkole. (The first Russian physiological school.)
Altschuler, Sari;
From Blood Vessels to Global Networks of Exchange: The Physiology of Benjamin Rush's Early Republic
Bonnichon, Philippe;
Charbit, Lionel;
Proye, Charles;
Histoire de la chirurgie des glandes parathyroïdes
Robin, Eugene Debs;
Claude Bernard and the internal environment: A memorial symposium
Bonah, Christian;
Physiology's evolution: Reassessment of the morphological tradition: Transformation of a research field between 1870 and 1890
Zott, Regine;
Justus von Liebig und seine Reflexionen über das Lebenskraft-Problem
Josh Doty;
The Perfecting of Nature: Reforming Bodies in Antebellum Literature
Renaud Evrard;
Stéphane Gumpper;
Bevis Beauvais;
Carlos S. Alvarado;
"Never sacrifice anything to laboratory work": The "physiological psychology" of Charles Richet (1875–1905)
Caporael, Linnda R.;
Griesemer, James R.;
Wimsatt, William C.;
Developing Scaffolds in Evolution, Culture, and Cognition
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