Concept ID: CBA897790767

Art and society

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Chapter Maya Rae Oppenheimer (2018)
Dramaturgical Devices and Stanley Milgram’s Hybrid Practice. In: Hybrid Practices: Art in Collaboration with Science and Technology in the Long 1960s. (/isis/citation/CBB714985176/) unapi

Chapter Craig Richardson (2018)
Monuments to the Period We Live In. In: Hybrid Practices: Art in Collaboration with Science and Technology in the Long 1960s. (/isis/citation/CBB044103176/) unapi

Chapter Steiner, Shepherd; Duval, Steven; Cateforis, David (2018)
Introduction: Reassessing Hybrid Practice. In: Hybrid Practices: Art in Collaboration with Science and Technology in the Long 1960s. (/isis/citation/CBB302387494/) unapi

Book Kris Paulsen (2017)
Here/There: Telepresence, Touch, and Art at the Interface. (/isis/citation/CBB020253668/) unapi

Book Gretchen Garner (2016)
Winold Reiss and the Cincinnati Union Terminal: Fanfare for the Common Man. (/isis/citation/CBB986321711/) unapi

Book Armin Medosch (2016)
New tendencies: Art at the threshold of the information revolution (1961-1978). (/isis/citation/CBB470465430/) unapi

Book Michael Wyatt (2014)
The Cambridge Companion to the Italian Renaissance. (/isis/citation/CBB275192686/) unapi

Book O'Rourke, Karen (2013)
Walking and Mapping: Artists as Cartographers. (/isis/citation/CBB718574285/) unapi

Article James C. Boyles (2008)
"Under a Spreading Chestnut-Tree": The Blacksmith and His Forge in Nineteenth-Century American Art. IA. The Journal of the Society for Industrial Archeology (pp. 9-24). (/isis/citation/CBB521063012/) unapi

Article Jadviga M. da Costa Nunes (1986)
The Industrial Landscape in America, 1800-1840: Ideology into Art. IA. The Journal of the Society for Industrial Archeology (pp. 19-38). (/isis/citation/CBB232998116/) unapi


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