Concept ID: CBA897790767

Art and society

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Writing Cartography’s Enlightenment. The Cartographic Journal (pp. 312-334). (/isis/citation/CBB800622654/) unapi

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The Purchase of the Past: Collecting Culture in Post-Revolutionary Paris c.1790–1890. (/isis/citation/CBB688163258/) unapi

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Modernism came flying: a micro-history of artistic internationalism and cultural encounters in US-Chilean relations, 1968. Cold War History (pp. 209-232). (/isis/citation/CBB905733115/) unapi

Article Stéphanie Gonçalves (2019)
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Chapter Sandra Skurvida (2018)
Technologies of Indeterminacy: John Cage Invents. In: Hybrid Practices: Art in Collaboration with Science and Technology in the Long 1960s. (/isis/citation/CBB629209530/) unapi


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