9 citations
related to Rape; sexual violence
9 citations
related to Rape; sexual violence as a subject or category
Andrea Quinlan
The Rape Kit’s Promise: Techno-optimism in the Fight Against the Backlog.
Science as Culture
(pp. 440-464).
Jaimie Morse
The Geopolitics of “Rape Kit” Protocols: Historical Problems in Translation as Humanitarian Medicine Meets International Law.
Osiris: A Research Journal Devoted to the History of Science and Its Cultural Influences
(pp. 200-218).
Susan L. Burns
Sexual Assault and the Evidential Body: Forensic Medicine and Law in Modern Japan.
Osiris: A Research Journal Devoted to the History of Science and Its Cultural Influences
(pp. 163-180).
Cara Dobbing; Alannah Tomkins
Sexual abuse by superintending staff in the nineteenth-century lunatic asylum: medical practice, complaint and risk.
History of Psychiatry
(pp. 69-84).
Arnold W. Rachman
Psychoanalysis and Society's Neglect of the Sexual Abuse of Children, Youth and Adults: Re-addressing Freud's Original Theory of Sexual Abuse and Trauma.
Stéphanie Pache; Alain Giami; Sharman Levinson
‘Healthy’ Relationships: Feminism and the Psy Disciplines in the Political History of Sexual Violence in Contemporary America.
In: Histories of Sexology: Between Science and Politics
(pp. 61-79).
Diederik F Janssen
Rape of the lock: note on nineteenth-century hair fetishists.
History of Psychiatry
(pp. 469-479).
E. Claire Cage
Child Sexual Abuse and Medical Expertise in Nineteenth-Century France.
French Historical Studies
(pp. 391-421).
Ethan Czuy Levine
Studying Rape: The Production of Scientific Knowledge about Sexual Violence in the United States and Canada.
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