542 citations
related to Business history
542 citations
related to Business history as a subject or category
Mara Mills; Dan Bouk
The History of “Impairment”.
Osiris: A Research Journal Devoted to the History of Science and Its Cultural Influences
(pp. 27-56).
William H. Galligan
Vision Accomplished: The History of Kansas City Southern.
Robert A. Schalla
Black Diamonds from the Treasure State: The Incredible Saga of the Montana, Wyoming & Southern, and Yellowstone Park Railroads.
Albert J. Churella
The Pennsylvania Railroad: The Age of Limits, 1917–1933.
Werner Plumpe
Januskopf der deutschen Geldwirtschaft: Karl Helfferich (1872 bis 1924) (Janus face of the German monetary economy: Karl Helfferich (1872 to 1924)).
Zeitschrift für Unternehmensgeschichte
(pp. 185-204).
Christian Marx
Seitenwechsler im Zentralbankwesen – Karrieren im Beziehungsdreieck von Finanzwelt, Wissenschaft und Politik (1948 bis 1970) (The Revolving Door in German Central Banking – Careers in the Triangle of Finance, Science and Politics (1948 to 1970)).
Zeitschrift für Unternehmensgeschichte
(pp. 255-287).
Jan-Otmar Hesse; Alexander Nützenadel
«Seitenwechsel» – Unternehmer in der Politik und Politiker in der Wirtschaft. Eine Einleitung ("Revolving Doors" – Manager in Politics and Politicians in Business. An Introduction).
Zeitschrift für Unternehmensgeschichte
(pp. 143-149).
Jan-Otmar Hesse
Vom Röhren-Manager zum Verteidigungs-Staatssekretär und zurück: Der mehrfache Seitenwechsel von Ernst Wolf Mommsen (Revolving Doors: Ernst Wolf Mommsen’s journey from a Tube Manager to Under-Secretary of State for Defence and back).
Zeitschrift für Unternehmensgeschichte
(pp. 227-254).
Philipp Müller
Universalitätsansprüche – Verbandsvertreter in der deutsch-französischen Wirtschaftsdiplomatie der 20er und frühen 30er Jahre (Universality claims – Representatives of business associations in Franco-German economic diplomacy of the 20s and early 30s).
Zeitschrift für Unternehmensgeschichte
(pp. 205-225).
Ann-Kristin Bergquist; Thomas David
(Fall 2023)
Beyond Planetary Limits! The International Chamber of Commerce, the United Nations, and the Invention of Sustainable Development.
Business History Review
(pp. 481-511).
Article Introduction: Roundtable on capitalism and global governance (Fall 2023). Business History Review (pp. 603-604). (/isis/citation/CBB064587496/)
Rawi Abdelal
(Fall 2023)
Reflection: Firms, Rules, and Global Capitalism.
Business History Review
(pp. 633-644).
Patricia Clavin
(Fall 2023)
Histories and Futures of Business in a Turbulent World.
Business History Review
(pp. 605-613).
Quinn Slobodian
(Fall 2023)
Competing Projects in Global Governance.
Business History Review
(pp. 626-631).
Nicolás M. Perrone
(Fall 2023)
Governing Global Capitalism: A Lawyer's Perspective.
Business History Review
(pp. 614-620).
Neil Rollings
(Fall 2023)
Business and Global Capitalism: Continuities and Change.
Business History Review
(pp. 620-626).
Vanessa Ogle
(Fall 2023)
Governing Global Tax Dodgers: The “Group of Four” and the Taxation of Multinational Corporations, 1970s–1980s.
Business History Review
(pp. 547-574).
Isabel Cole; Walter A. Friedman
(Summer 2023)
A Guide to the History of Industrial Slavery in the United States. (Research Note).
Business History Review
(pp. 385-409).
Bronwen Everill; Khadidiatou Diedhiou
(Summer 2023)
Profiting from Slavery and Emancipation: Compensation, Capital, and Collateral in Nineteenth-Century Senegal.
Business History Review
(pp. 335-361).
(Summer 2023)
Editor's Note.
Business History Review
(pp. 195-198).
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