24 citations
related to Scholasticism
24 citations
related to Scholasticism as a subject or category
Hannah Marcus; Crystal Hall
Shattering crystal with crystal: Galileo’s rhetoric, lenses, and the epistemology of metaphor.
History of Science
(pp. 179-213).
Raynauld, Dominique
Medieval Optics, Scholasticism and Neutrality.
Mefisto: Rivista di medicina, filosofia, storia
(pp. 63-82).
Maria Pia Donato
How to Impart Knowledge, Experience and Common Sense: Exempla ficta in Early Modern Surgery.
Archives Internationales d'Histoire des Sciences
(pp. 86-114).
Fabrizio Bigotti
Gradus Dimetiri: intensity and classification of complexions in 14th-century Italian medicine.
Annals of Science: The History of Science and Technology
(pp. 419-441).
Daniel A. Di Liscia; Edith D. Sylla
Quantifying Aristotle: The Impact, Spread and Decline of the Calculatores Tradition.
Simone Guidi
Indivisibles, Parts, and Wholes in Rubio’s Treatise on the Composition of Continuum (1605).
Bruniana & Campanelliana: Ricerche Filosofiche e Materiali Storico-testuali
(pp. 143-163).
Amos Edelheit
A philosopher at the crossroads : Giovanni Pico della Mirandola's encounter with scholastic philosophy.
Steven J. Livesey
Science in the Monastery: Texts, Manuscripts and Learning at Saint-Bertin.
Jean-Pascal Anfray
The Unity of Composite Substance: The Scholastic Background to the Vinculum Substantiale in Leibniz’s Correspondence with Des Bosses.
Vivarium: Journal for Mediaeval Philosophy and the Intellectual Life of the Middle Ages
(pp. 219-252).
Agostini, Igor
Ingenium between Descartes and the Scholastics.
In: Descartes and the ingenium : the embodied soul in Cartesianism
(pp. 139-162).
Giuseppe Capriati
Quid est causa? The Debate on the Definition of ‘Cause’ in Early Jesuit Scholasticism.
Vivarium: Journal for Mediaeval Philosophy and the Intellectual Life of the Middle Ages
(pp. 111-139).
Andrea Sangiacomo
Modelling the History of Early Modern Natural Philosophy: The Fate of the Art-Nature Distinction in the Dutch Universities.
British Journal for the History of Philosophy
(pp. 46-74).
Daniel Schwartz
The political morality of the late scholastics: civic life, war and conscience.
Essay Review
Domenico Collacciani
A Contextualist History of Cartesian Philosophy: Roger Ariew's Descartes and the First Cartesians.
Perspectives on Science.
Essay Review
Tad M. Schmaltz
French Cartesian Scholasticism: Remarks on Descartes and the First Cartesians.
Perspectives on Science.
Essay Review
Lucian Petrescu
Scholastic Logic and Cartesian Logic.
Perspectives on Science.
Essay Review
Sophie Roux
Everything You Always Wanted to Know About the Summa quadripartita that Descartes Never Wrote.
Perspectives on Science.
Essay Review
Martine Pécharman
Roger Ariew and "The First Cartesians".
Perspectives on Science.
David Marshall Miller
Regressus and Empiricism in the Controversy about Galileo's Lunar Observations.
Perspectives on Science
(pp. 293-324).
Gary Hatfield
Descartes: New Thoughts on the Senses.
British Journal for the History of Philosophy
(pp. 443-464).
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