Geographic Term ID: CBA432961010

Atlantic world

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Book Manuel Barcia (2020)
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Book Thomas Blake Earle; D. Andrew Johnson (2020)
Atlantic Environments and the American South. (/isis/citation/CBB928461299/) unapi

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Chapter Mark Häberlein (2019)
Coming to Terms with the Atlantic World: German Merchants, Language, and English Legal Culture in the Early Modern Period. In: Migrating words, migrating merchants, migrating law: trading routes and the development of commercial law (pp. 263-288). (/isis/citation/CBB937925560/) unapi

Book Matthew James Crawford; Joseph M. Gabriel (2019)
Drugs on the Page: Pharmacopoeias and Healing Knowledge in the Early Modern Atlantic World. (/isis/citation/CBB528992656/) unapi

Article Michiel van Groesen (2019)
Dierick Ruiters’s Manuscript Maps and the Birth of the Dutch Atlantic. Imago Mundi: A Review of Early Cartography (pp. 34-50). (/isis/citation/CBB180626573/) unapi

Chapter Klaus Weber; Torsten dos Santos Arnold (2019)
Ports to “New Worlds”: Lisbon, Seville, Cádiz (15th–18th Centuries). In: The power of cities : The Iberian peninsula from late antiquity to the early modern period (pp. 312-361). (/isis/citation/CBB426067885/) unapi

Article Antonio Sánchez (2019)
The “empirical turn” in the historiography of the Iberian and Atlantic science in the early modern world: from cosmography and navigation to ethnography, natural history, and medicine. Tapuya: Latin American Science, Technology and Society (pp. 317-334). (/isis/citation/CBB133911171/) unapi

Book Christine Levecq (2018)
Black Cosmopolitans: Race, Religion, and Republicanism in an Age of Revolution. (/isis/citation/CBB533945228/) unapi

Article Neil Oatsvall; Vaughn Scribner (2018)
“The Devil Was in the Englishman that He Makes Everything Work”: Implementing the Concept of “Work” to Reevaluate Sugar Production and Consumption in the Early Modern British Atlantic World. Agricultural History (pp. 461-490). (/isis/citation/CBB307743950/) unapi

Article Antonio Sánchez; Henrique Leitão (2018)
Artisanal Culture in Early Modern Iberian and Atlantic Worlds. Centaurus: International Magazine of the History of Mathematics, Science, and Technology (pp. 135-140). (/isis/citation/CBB313145328/) unapi

Book Peter C. Mancall (2017)
Nature and Culture in the Early Modern Atlantic. (/isis/citation/CBB173945462/) unapi

Book Rana A. Hogarth (2017)
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Book Londa Schiebinger (2017)
Secret Cures of Slaves: People, Plants, and Medicine in the Eighteenth-Century Atlantic World. (/isis/citation/CBB236158388/) unapi

Book Ethan W. Lasser (2017)
The Philosophy Chamber: Art and Science in Harvard's Teaching Cabinet, 1766–1820. (/isis/citation/CBB395923035/) unapi

Article Rosenthal, Caitlin (April 2017)
Forum: The Paper Technologies of Capitalism -- Numbers for the Innumerate: Everyday Arithmetic and Atlantic Capitalism. Technology and Culture (pp. 529-544). (/isis/citation/CBB356393771/) unapi

Book Jutta Wimmler (2017)
The Sun King's Atlantic. (/isis/citation/CBB307939896/) unapi

Article John E. Crowley (2016)
Sugar Machines: Picturing Industrialized Slavery. American Historical Review (pp. 403-436). (/isis/citation/CBB194086091/) unapi

Book Ramesh Mallipeddi (2015)
Spectacular Suffering: Witnessing Slavery in the Eighteenth-Century British Atlantic. (/isis/citation/CBB057541115/) unapi


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