Concept ID: CBA373598659

Pictorial works

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Book Lothes, Scott; Alexander Craighead (2022)
Continuity and Change: The Lure of North American Railroads. (/isis/citation/CBB217005109/) unapi

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Speed Graphics and Steam1958! Vol. 3, Rehor and Wood bid farewell to Ontario and Quebec branchlines. (/isis/citation/CBB916540453/) unapi

Book Frank Garon (2022)
Conrail Golden Years: volume 4: New Jersey's Ex-EL Commuter Operations. (/isis/citation/CBB341625849/) unapi

Review Thomas C. Cornillie (2022)
Review of "Delaware & Hudson: The Final Years, 1968 to 1991". Railroad History. (/isis/citation/CBB020902880/) unapi

Book Charles A. Duckworth (2022)
Selected photographs from the Missouri Pacific Historical Society archives. (/isis/citation/CBB908248930/) unapi

Book Ian Wilson (2022)
Steam encounters in Ontario: The CNR and CPR from 1956 through 1959 through Jim Guerin's lens, vol. 2. (/isis/citation/CBB458696142/) unapi

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Article Bob Johnston (2021)
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Article St. Louis Terminal Railroad Association Historical & Technical Society (2021)
The Golden State Route: Going west on the Rock Island. Terminal Railroad Association Historical and Technical Society Magazine (p. 268). (/isis/citation/CBB571213924/) unapi

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