44 citations
related to Journal for the History of Knowledge
Journal Abbreviation J. Hist. Know.
Eva Hemmungs Wirtén
Patents of Persuasion: Tempo-Metrics and the Shaping of Knowledge about Knowledge.
Journal for the History of Knowledge.
Eric Moses Gurevitch
When Is Medicine? Contesting the Temporality of Healing in Precolonial South Asia.
Journal for the History of Knowledge.
Laetitia Lenel
Survivor Testimonies and the Problem of Time.
Journal for the History of Knowledge.
Anna-Maria Meister
Chernobyl's Palimpsestic Shelters: A Concrete Tale of Forms of Delay.
Journal for the History of Knowledge.
Shane Butler
Afterword: Know Time?.
Journal for the History of Knowledge.
Erika Lorraine Milam
Periodical Cicadas and the Abundance of Time.
Journal for the History of Knowledge.
Jefferson Pooley
The Plasticity of Social Knowledge: Paul F. Lazarsfeld and U.S. Communication Research, 1937–1952.
Journal for the History of Knowledge.
Christian Flow
Encountering Huberia: Positioning an Eighteenth-Century Professor in Time.
Journal for the History of Knowledge.
Hansun Hsiung; Laetitia Lenel; Anna-Maria Meister
Introduction: Entangled Temporalities.
Journal for the History of Knowledge.
Hansun Hsiung
Complete, Accessible, Now: What Is Living and What Is Dead in the Research Library.
Journal for the History of Knowledge.
Dror Weil
Time and Temporalities in Early Modern Chinese Islam.
Journal for the History of Knowledge.
Projit Bihari Mukharji
No Time for Empathy: Entangled Temporalities of Pediatric Medical Experimentation in Early Postcolonial India.
Journal for the History of Knowledge.
Rebecca Woods
Telling Time With Mammoths: Frozen Flesh and Temporal Arrangement in the Science of the North Since 1800.
Journal for the History of Knowledge.
Elisa Garrido
Trementinaires: Gender, Collecting, and Subsistence in the Pyrenees.
Journal for the History of Knowledge.
Leore Joanne Green
‘We the Tormentors’: Death, Emotions, and Gender in the Life and Work of the Entomologist Margaret Fountaine.
Journal for the History of Knowledge.
Vanessa Finney
Dining on Geologic Fish: Claiming the Australian Ceratodus for Science.
Journal for the History of Knowledge.
Catarina Madruga
“Authentic provenance”: Locality and Colonial Collecting for the Lisbon Zoological Museum, 1860s-1880s.
Journal for the History of Knowledge.
Daniela Serra
A Naturalist between Two Worlds: Field Collecting in Claude Gay’s Forging of a Scientific Career in Chile and France.
Journal for the History of Knowledge.
James Andrew Secord
Afterword: Hacking's Glyptodon.
Journal for the History of Knowledge.
Déborah Dubald
Off the Beaten Path? Frédéric Cailliaud’s Bureaucratic Practice of Geological Fieldwork in the Lower Loire, 1836-1869.
Journal for the History of Knowledge.
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