93 citations
related to Tarikh-e Elm (The Iranian Journal for the History of Science)
Ohashi, Yukio
Introduction of Persian Astronomy into India.
Tarikh-e Elm (The Iranian Journal for the History of Science)
(pp. 49-74).
Hogendijk, Jan P.
Two Beautiful Geometrical Theorems by Abū Sahl Kūhī in a 17th Century Dutch Translation.
Tarikh-e Elm (The Iranian Journal for the History of Science)
(pp. 1-36).
Karamati, Yunos
Abū Ḥātam Asfizārī and Ibn Khammār's Place in the Meteorological Tradition of Islamic Period.
Tarikh-e Elm (The Iranian Journal for the History of Science)
(pp. 105-113).
Bagheri, Mohammad
Persian Version of Kūshyār's Zīj: Calendars in the al-Zīj al-Jāmi'.
Tarikh-e Elm (The Iranian Journal for the History of Science)
(pp. 21-67).
Akbari Shad, Saeed
Solutions in Al-Riyādh al-Kabīr attributed to Jabir Ibn Hayyan.
Tarikh-e Elm (The Iranian Journal for the History of Science)
(pp. 3-20).
Savadi, Fatemeh
A Persian Treatise on the Determination of the Sine of One Degree.
Tarikh-e Elm (The Iranian Journal for the History of Science)
(pp. 69-104).
Joseph, George Gheverghese
A Brief History of Zero.
Tarikh-e Elm (The Iranian Journal for the History of Science)
(pp. 37-48).
Savadi, Fatema
A Criticism on Rosenfeld's Argumentation on the Attribution of a Mathematical Treatise to Ulugh Beg.
Tarikh-e Elm (The Iranian Journal for the History of Science)
(pp. 85-103).
Chademan, Arsalan
Lebesgue's Famous Article on Integral.
Tarikh-e Elm (The Iranian Journal for the History of Science)
(pp. 1-22).
Alemzadeh, Hadi; Mo'ini-Nia, Maryam
Physiognomy in Islamic Sources.
Tarikh-e Elm (The Iranian Journal for the History of Science)
(pp. 125-137).
Savoie, Denis
Etude d'un cadran solaire cylindrique Arabo-islamique.
Tarikh-e Elm (The Iranian Journal for the History of Science)
(pp. 7-13).
Hashemi, S. Ahmad
Ḥunayn b. Isḥāḳ's Translation School.
Tarikh-e Elm (The Iranian Journal for the History of Science)
(pp. 23-45).
Danesh-Pajouh, Mohammad
The History of Cardiology: The Era from Galen to William Harvey.
Tarikh-e Elm (The Iranian Journal for the History of Science)
(pp. 105-124).
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