8 citations
related to Blum, Alexander
8 citations
related to Blum, Alexander as an author
Alexander Blum
The Literature Review as Imagined Past.
Isis: International Review Devoted to the History of Science and Its Cultural Influences
(pp. 827-829).
Alexander Blum; Thiago Hartz
The 1957 quantum gravity meeting in Copenhagen: An analysis of Bryce S. DeWitt’s report.
European Physical Journal H
(pp. 107-157).
Jürgen Renn; Roberto Lalli; Alexander Blum; et al.
Editorial introduction to the special issue “The Renaissance of Einstein’s Theory of Gravitation”.
European Physical Journal H
(pp. 95-105).
Alexander Blum
Shifting Paradigms: Thomas S. Kuhn and the History of Science.
Dean Rickles; Alexander Blum
Paul Weiss and the Genesis of Canonical Quantization.
European Physical Journal H
(pp. 469-487).
Blum, Alexander; Lalli, Roberto; Renn, Jürgen
The Reinvention of General Relativity: A Historiographical Framework for Assessing One Hundred Years of Curved Space-time.
Isis: International Review Devoted to the History of Science and Its Cultural Influences
(pp. 598-620).
Blum, Alexander
From the Necessary to the Possible: The Genesis of the Spin-Statistics Theorem.
European Physical Journal H
(p. 543).
Blum, Alexander
From the Necessary to the Possible: The Genesis of the Spin-Statistics Theorem.
European Physical Journal H
(pp. 543-574).
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