Publisher ID: CBA000138311

Temple University Press

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Book Jacob, Margaret C. (1988)
The cultural meaning of the scientific revolution. (/isis/citation/CBB000044092/) unapi

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Book Smith, Barbara E. (1987)
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Book Rolston, Holmes (1987)
Science and religion: A critical survey. (/isis/citation/CBB000032615/) unapi

Book Cayleff, Susan E. (1987)
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Book Armstrong, Christopher; Nelles, H.V. (1986)
Monopoly's moment: The organization and regulation of Canadian utilities, 1830-1930. (/isis/citation/CBB000043130/) unapi

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Book Wines, Richard A. (1985)
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Book Barrett, Paul (1983)
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Book Foster, Mark S. (1981)
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Book Hale, Matthew, Jr. (1980)
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Book Reverby, Susan; Rosner, David (1979)
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