Concept ID: CBA000126561


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Article Joiner, Stephen (Spring 2007)
Better Flying through Chemistry. American Heritage of Invention and Technology (pp. 17-19). (/isis/citation/CBB500421832/) unapi

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Alexander de Seversky's Ionocraft could hover in the air with no wings or moving parts. The future of aviation? No. American Heritage of Invention and Technology (pp. 55-56). (/isis/citation/CBB426341205/) unapi

Article Huntington, Tom (Spring 2007)
Race Tracks in the Sky. American Heritage of Invention and Technology (p. 42). (/isis/citation/CBB888518316/) unapi

Article Wohleber, Curt (Summer 2006)
The Blimp Barns. American Heritage of Invention and Technology (pp. 20-25). (/isis/citation/CBB260604676/) unapi

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Blimps at War. American Heritage of Invention and Technology (pp. 12-19). (/isis/citation/CBB969150729/) unapi

Article Sassaman, Richard (Summer 2006)
The Man Who Wasn’t Lindbergh. American Heritage of Invention and Technology (p. 56). (/isis/citation/CBB337218301/) unapi

Article Hagood, Jonathan D. (2006)
Why Does Technology Transfer Fail? Two Technology Transfer Projects from Peronist Argentina. Comparative Technology Transfer and Society (pp. 73-98). (/isis/citation/CBB045379399/) unapi

Book Serling, Robert J.; Foster, George H. (2006)
Steel Rails and Silver Wings: The Lindbergh Line to the Birth of TWA. (/isis/citation/CBB898933216/) unapi

Article Mote, C.D., Jr. (Spring 2004)
Centennial of Aviation (editorial). The Bridge: Journal of the National Academy of Engineering (pp. 3-4). (/isis/citation/CBB185990376/) unapi

Article Hallion, Richard P. (Spring 2004)
Remembering the Legacy: Highlights of the First 100 Years of Aviation. The Bridge: Journal of the National Academy of Engineering (pp. 5-11). (/isis/citation/CBB282987011/) unapi

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Building on the Legacy: A Vision for the Future. The Bridge: Journal of the National Academy of Engineering (pp. 12-16). (/isis/citation/CBB943654522/) unapi

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The Role of Size in the Future of Aeronautics. The Bridge: Journal of the National Academy of Engineering (pp. 17-23). (/isis/citation/CBB652290044/) unapi

Article Clarke, Michael A. (Spring 2004)
The Evolution of Military Aviation. The Bridge: Journal of the National Academy of Engineering (pp. 29-35). (/isis/citation/CBB442784769/) unapi

Article Crouch, Tom D. (2003)
Der erste flug: Wer hat ihn wirlich vollbracht?. Luftfahrt (pp. 3-15). (/isis/citation/CBB001181757/) unapi

Book Gimbel, Richard (2000)
The genesis of flight: The aeronautical history collection of Colonel Richard Gimbel. (/isis/citation/CBB001181755/) unapi

Chapter Crouch, Tom D. (2000)
Introduction: A gift of tradition. In: The genesis of flight: The aeronautical history collection of Colonel Richard Gimbel (p. 1). (/isis/citation/CBB001181756/) unapi

Article Crouch, Tom D. (2000)
Octave Chanute: Aeronautical pioneer. CRM: Cultural Resources Management (pp. 14-15). (/isis/citation/CBB001181752/) unapi

Article Crouch, Tom D. (2000)
Flight in America, 1784--1919. CRM: Cultural Resources Management (pp. 4-8). (/isis/citation/CBB001181751/) unapi

Chapter Crouch, Tom D. (1999)
An airplane for everyman: The department of commerce and the light airplane industry. In: Innovation and the development of flight (p. 166). (/isis/citation/CBB001181750/) unapi

Article Crouch, Tom D. (1996)
Octave Chanute: Pioneer of flight. National Soaring Museum Historical Journal (pp. 4-16). (/isis/citation/CBB001181745/) unapi


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