368 citations
related to Perspectives in Biology and Medicine
Journal Abbreviation Perspect. Biol. Med.
Alison M. Heru
2020: what COVID taught us about women in medicine.
Perspectives in Biology and Medicine
(pp. 461-467).
Davide Vecchi; Giorgio Airoldi
Herd Immunity: History, Concepts, and Ethical Rationale.
Perspectives in Biology and Medicine
(pp. 38-57).
Kaiulani S. Shulman; Joseph J. Fins
Daniel Callahan’s Decade of Doubt.
Perspectives in Biology and Medicine
(pp. 249-266).
Pieter R. Adriaens
Disputing Darwin: On Piloerection and Mental Illness.
Perspectives in Biology and Medicine
(pp. 503-519).
J. J. Eddy; H. A. Smith; J. E. Abrams
Historical Lessons on Vaccine Hesitancy: Smallpox, Polio, and Measles, and Implications for COVID-19.
Perspectives in Biology and Medicine
(pp. 145-159).
Rebecca Mueller
The Impact of Transmissible Microbes: How the Cystic Fibrosis Community Mobilized Against Cepacia.
Perspectives in Biology and Medicine
(pp. 89-106).
Julie Walsh
Joanna Stephens and the Stone: credibility economy in the history of medicine.
Perspectives in Biology and Medicine
(pp. 267-283).
Matthew Kelly
Bridging Divides: art and religion in the early AIDS pandemic.
Perspectives in Biology and Medicine
(pp. 398-419).
William H. Woodruff
Science in the Public Mind: sources and consequences of antipathy.
Perspectives in Biology and Medicine
(pp. 468-477).
Essay Review
John Abramson
The Demise of the AMA’s Mission to Improve Public Health.
Perspectives in Biology and Medicine.
John A. Lynch
Revising the Bioethics Story: Memory and Story in Precarious Times.
Perspectives in Biology and Medicine
(pp. 521-528).
Michael Nair-Collins
Expanding the Social Status of “Corpse” to the Severely Comatose: Henry Beecher and the Harvard Brain Death Committee.
Perspectives in Biology and Medicine
(pp. 41-58).
Muriel R. Gillick
When Corona Came to Canada: The 2003 SARS Outbreak and Its Aftermath.
Perspectives in Biology and Medicine
(pp. 25-40).
Merle Eisenberg
Uses of History During the First Nine Months of COVID.
Perspectives in Biology and Medicine
(pp. 421-435).
D. Alan Shewmon; Noriko Salamon
The Extraordinary Case of Jahi McMath.
Perspectives in Biology and Medicine
(pp. 457-478).
Jeffrey S. Flier
Misconduct in Bioscience Research: a 40-year perspective.
Perspectives in Biology and Medicine
(pp. 437-456).
Franklin G. Miller
Liberty and Protection of Society During a Pandemic: Revisiting John Stuart Mill.
Perspectives in Biology and Medicine
(pp. 200-210).
Andrew Scull
"Community Care": Historical Perspective on Deinstitutionalization.
Perspectives in Biology and Medicine
(pp. 70-81).
Søren Holm
Belmont in Europe: A Mostly Indirect Influence.
Perspectives in Biology and Medicine
(pp. 262-276).
Jake Earl
The Belmont Report and Innovative Practice.
Perspectives in Biology and Medicine
(pp. 313-326).
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