313 citations
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Journal Abbreviation J. Chem Educ.
Carmen J. Giunta; Martin D. Saltzman
History of Chemistry in the Journal of Chemical Education.
Bulletin for the History of Chemistry
(pp. 100-108).
Kovac, Jeffrey
Review of "Oxygen: A Play in Two Acts".
Journal of Chemical Education.
Stanitski, Conrad
Review of "Chemistry, Society and Environment: A New History of the British Chemical Industry".
Journal of Chemical Education.
Scorrano, Gianfranco; Nicolini, Nicoletta; Masoner, Ida Maria
Leopold's Workbench: The Hapsburg-Lorraine Grand Duke and Chemistry.
Journal of Chemical Education
(p. 47).
Guzmán-Casado, Mercedes; Parody-Morreale, Antonio
Notes on the Early History of the Interaction between Physical Chemistry and Biochemistry: The Development of Physical Biochemistry.
Journal of Chemical Education
(p. 327).
Kostka, Kimberly L.; McKay, David D.
Chemists Clean Up: A History and Exploration of the Craft of Soapmaking? How Soap Came to be Common in America.
Journal of Chemical Education
(p. 1172).
Craig, Norman C.
Correspondence with Sir Lawrence Bragg Regarding Evidence for the Ionic Bond.
Journal of Chemical Education
(p. 953).
Van Houten, Josh
A Century of Chemical Dynamics Traced through the Nobel Prizes, 1909: Wilhelm Ostwald.
Journal of Chemical Education
(p. 146).
Van Houten, Josh
A Century of Chemical Dynamics Traced through the Nobel Prizes, 1903: Svante Arrhenius.
Journal of Chemical Education
(p. 21).
Houten, Josh Van
Nobel Centennial Essay: A Century of Chemical Dynamics Traced through the Nobel Prizes. 1901: J. van't Hoff.
Journal of Chemical Education.
Van Houten, J.
Nobel Centennial Essay: J. van't Hoff.
Journal of Chemical Education.
Scerri, Eric R.
Philosophy of chemistry--a new interdisciplinary field?.
Journal of Chemical Education
(p. 522).
Kikuchi, Shigeaki
A history of the structural theory of benzene: The aromatic sextet rule and Hückel's rule.
Journal of Chemical Education
(pp. 194-201).
Frant, Martin S.
Where did ion selective electrodes come from? The story of their development and commercialization.
Journal of Chemical Education
(pp. 159-166).
Klotz, Irving M.
Captives of their fantasies: The German atomic bomb scientists.
Journal of Chemical Education
(pp. 204-208).
Kauffman, G.B.
Review of "Thinking about matter: Studies in the history of chemical philosophy".
Journal of Chemical Education.
Gorin, George
Mendeleev and Moseley: The principal discoverers of the Periodic Law.
Journal of Chemical Education
(pp. 490-493).
Wamser, Christian A.; Wamser, Carl C.
Lejaren A. Hiller, Jr.: A memorial tribute to a chemist-composer.
Journal of Chemical Education
(pp. 601-607).
Warnhoff, E.W.
The curiously intertwined histories of benzene and cyclohexane.
Journal of Chemical Education
(pp. 494-496).
Article A tribute to Linus Carl Pauling (1901-1994) (1996). Journal of Chemical Education (pp. 2-32). (/isis/citation/CBB000067491/)
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