560 citations
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Journal Abbreviation J. Astron. Hist. Herit.
Nick Lomb
Review of "William Dawes: Scientist, Governor, Abolitionist: Caught Between Science and Religion".
Journal of Astronomical History and Heritage.
Orchiston Wayne; Kapoor R.c
Indian Initiatives to Establish ‘Western’ Astronomical Observatories Prior to Independence. 2: Colleges and Universities.
Journal of Astronomical History and Heritage
(pp. 363-386).
Cunningham Clifford
Review of "Splinters of Infinity: Cosmic Rays and the Clash of Two Nobel Prize-Winning Scientists over the Secrets of Creation".
Journal of Astronomical History and Heritage.
Cunningham Clifford
Review of "World-Building and the New Astronomy in Seventeenth-Century Prose Fictions of Cosmic Voyage".
Journal of Astronomical History and Heritage.
Cunningham Clifford
Review of "Cincinnati Observatory: Its Critical Role in the Birth and Evolution of Astronomy in America".
Journal of Astronomical History and Heritage.
Dick Steven J
Review of "Philosophy of Astrophysics: Stars, Simulations, and the Struggle to Determine What is Out There".
Journal of Astronomical History and Heritage.
Cunningham Clifford
Review of "The Land of the Solstices: Myth, geography and astronomy in ancient Greece".
Journal of Astronomical History and Heritage.
Dick Steven J
Review of "Islamic Theology and Extraterrestrial Life: New Frontiers in Science and Religion".
Journal of Astronomical History and Heritage.
Usher Peter D
Review of "Tropes and the Literary-Scientific Revolution".
Journal of Astronomical History and Heritage.
V. Vasilyev E.i; Yagudina E.i
G.A. Krasinsky: From Classical Celestial Mechanics to High-Precision Relativistic Numerical Theories of the Orbital Motion of Bodies in the Solar System.
Journal of Astronomical History and Heritage
(pp. 387-396).
Yunli Shi
The Astronomical Meaning of Some Jade Artifacts Unearthed at the Lingjiatan Site. 1: The Jade Tortoise and the Jade Tablet.
Journal of Astronomical History and Heritage
(pp. 245-260).
Malherbe J.-M
Lucien and Marguerite D’azambuja, Explorers of Solar Activity (1899–1959).
Journal of Astronomical History and Heritage
(pp. 303-328).
Huang Zongbei
The Astronomy of Isidore of Seville: Transforming an Area of Knowledge from Late Antiquity into the Early Christian Middle Ages.
Journal of Astronomical History and Heritage
(pp. 290-302).
Poškienė Agnė; Viscasillas Carlos
The Bulletin of the Vilnius Astronomical Observatory: A Comprehensive Overview (1960–1992).
Journal of Astronomical History and Heritage
(pp. 329-350).
Kapoor R.c
The Kurtakoti Grant: The Earliest Known Indian Record of a Total Solar Eclipse.
Journal of Astronomical History and Heritage
(pp. 273-289).
Peter D. Usher; Enrico Massaro
The Sixteenth-Century Empirical Disproof of Ptolemaic Geocentrism: Paper Ii.
Journal of Astronomical History and Heritage
(pp. 63-72).
Hoffmann Susanne M
Standing and Sitting Gods in Mul.apin.
Journal of Astronomical History and Heritage
(pp. 261-272).
Davoust Emmanuel
Dating a Latin Astrolabe.
Journal of Astronomical History and Heritage
(pp. 351-362).
B. S. Shylaja; R. Venketeswara Pai
Unambiguous Identification of the Star Ārdrā.
Journal of Astronomical History and Heritage
(pp. 127-134).
Clifford Cunningham
Review of "Age of Epistemology, The: Aristotelian Logic in Early Modern Philosophy 1500-1700".
Journal of Astronomical History and Heritage.
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