21 citations
related to History in Africa
Journal Abbreviation Hist. Africa
Geoffrey Traugh
The Peculiarities of Capitalism: Frederick Cooper on Africa and the World Economy.
History in Africa
(pp. 83-93).
Ademide Adelusi-Adeluyi
“Africa for the Africans?” – Mapmaking, Lagos, and the Colonial Archive.
History in Africa
(pp. 275-296).
Ryan W. Shea; Dianna Bell
Charting the Unknown: Islamic Cartography and Visions of Africa in the ‘Abbasid Era.
History in Africa
(pp. 37-56).
Stephen J. Rockel
The Tutsi and the Nyamwezi: Cattle, Mobility, and the Transformation of Agro-Pastoralism in Nineteenth-Century Western Tanzania.
History in Africa
(pp. 231-261).
Toby Green
The Challenge of Studying Inflation in Precolonial Africa by Klas Rönnbäck – A Response.
History in Africa
(pp. 19-28).
Peter Robertshaw
Rivals No More: Jan Vansina, Precolonial African Historiography, and Archaeology.
History in Africa
(pp. 145-160).
Klas Rönnbäck
The Challenge of Studying Inflation in Precolonial Africa.
History in Africa
(pp. 5-18).
Jonathon L. Earle
Political Activism and Other Life Forms in Colonial Buganda.
History in Africa
(pp. 373-395).
Tom C. McCaskie
'The Art or Mystery of Physick' – Asante Medicinal Plants and the Western Ordering of Botanical Knowledge.
History in Africa
(pp. 27-62).
Sven D. Outram-Leman
Alexander Scott: Constructing a Legitimate Geography of the Sahara from a Captivity Narrative, 1821.
History in Africa
(pp. 63-94).
Robert Ross
The Politics of African Household Budget Studies in South Africa.
History in Africa
(pp. 205-228).
Paul J. Lane
The Archaeological Potential for Reconstructing the History of Labor Relations in East Africa, c. 1500–1900.
History in Africa
(pp. 277-306).
Bruce Kapferer
A Note on Gluckman’s 1930s Fieldwork in Natal.
History in Africa
(pp. 147-154).
Robert J. Gordon
On Burning One’s Bridge: The Context of Gluckman’s Zulu Fieldwork: With the previously unpublished chapter “The Research Situation” (circa 1946).
History in Africa
(pp. 155-194).
Anna Seiderer
The Legacy of Pierre Fatumbi Verger in the Whydah Historical Museum (Benin): Development of an Ambivalent Concept of Hybridity.
History in Africa
(pp. 295-312).
Jones, Adam; Voigt, Isabel
“Just a First Sketchy Makeshift”: German Travellers and Their Cartographic Encounters in Africa, 1850--1914.
History in Africa
(p. 9).
Massing, Andreas
Mapping the Malagueta Coast: A History of the Lower Guinea Coast, 1460--1510 through Portuguese Maps and Accounts.
History in Africa
(p. 331).
Massing, Andreas
Valentim Fernandes' Five Maps and the Early History and Geography of São Tomé.
History in Africa
(p. 367).
Allen, William E.
Historical Methodology and Writing the Liberian Past: The Case of Agriculture in the Nineteenth Century.
History in Africa
(p. 21).
Alpern, Stanley B.
Did They or Didn't They Invent It? Iron in Sub-Saharan Africa.
History in Africa
(p. 41).
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