141 citations
related to Health and History
Journal Abbreviation Health Hist.
Daniel Terry; Ha Hoang; Blake Peck; et al.
The Historic to Contemporary Challenges among International Medical Graduates Seeking to Practise in Australia.
Health and History
(pp. 61-78).
Jacqueline Leckie
Infrastructure and ‘Magic Bullets’ in Mental Health in the Colonial Pacific.
Health and History
(pp. 29-50).
Victoria Stead
Indigenous Infrastructures of Care and Survival in Papua New Guinea: Rethinking Pacific Health through Oral Histories of the Second World War.
Health and History
(pp. 71-94).
Safua Akeli Amaama
Mobilising People, Places, and Practice: Public Health Care in Samoa, 1920s to 1950s.
Health and History
(pp. 10-28).
Bruce H. Short
The Little-Known Surgeon at the Port Jackson Settlements: Edward Laing from 1792 to 1794.
Health and History
(pp. 19-37).
Alison Watts
Experimental Treatments: Women, Gender, and ‘Maternal Insanity’ in Victorian Psychiatric Institutions, 1920–36.
Health and History
(pp. 1-18).
Brian Draper
Dementia in Nineteenth-Century Australia.
Health and History
(pp. 38-60).
Alexandra Widmer; Christine Winter
Health and Medicine during and after the Pacific War: Pacific Islanders, Institutions, Infrastructure, Ingenuities.
Health and History
(pp. 1-9).
Ming-Jen Wu
The Lives of the ‘Native Medical Orderlies’ in Gemo Hospital in Postwar Papua and New Guinea (1946–74).
Health and History
(pp. 51-70).
Christine Winter
Competent Men: Papuan and New Guinean Medical Staff in the Wake of the Pacific War.
Health and History
(pp. 95-113).
Louella McCarthy; Kathryn Weston; Stephen Hampton
Governing Prisoners’ Health: The Development of the Prison Medical Service in New South Wales, 1840–1900.
Health and History
(pp. 8-26).
Hamish Graham
‘Made Ill by Bad Management’: The Health and Welfare of Prisoners in Nineteenth-Century New South Wales.
Health and History
(pp. 47-66).
Tiffany Jenks; Angela Wanhalla
Psychological Casualties: War Neurosis, Rehabilitation, and the Family in Post–World War II New Zealand.
Health and History
(pp. 1-25).
Neville D. Yeomans
A Dangerous Migration: Early Mortality in Immigrant Doctors in Colonial Victoria.
Health and History
(pp. 67-84).
Ciara Breathnach
Capital Punishment in Irish Prisons, 1868–1901.
Health and History
(pp. 104-125).
Margaret Boult
Epilepsy, Criminality, and Care during the Nineteenth Century.
Health and History
(pp. 86-103).
Charmaine Robson
Doctors’ Dilemma: Appraising the Rights of New South Wales Leprosy Sufferers, 1890–1950.
Health and History
(pp. 126-149).
James Bradley
A Tale of Two Objects: Electro-Convulsive Therapy, History, and the Politics of Museum Display.
Health and History
(pp. 26-45).
Kathrine M. Reynolds; Carol Liston
Surgeon-superintendents and Penal Discipline: The Transportation of Female Convicts 1818–1835.
Health and History
(pp. 27-46).
Victoria M. Nagy; Alana J. Piper
The Health and Medical Needs of Victoria's Older Female Prisoners, 1860–1920.
Health and History
(pp. 67-85).
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