Serial Publication ID: CBA000122517


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Journal Abbreviation Gesnerus

Description Name changed to European Journal for the History of Medicine and Health as of 2021

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Article Muriel Pic (2020)
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The American Roots of Social Epidemiology and its Transnational Circulation. From the African-American Hypertension Enigma to the WHO’s Recommendations. Gesnerus (pp. 35-63). (/isis/citation/CBB733402949/) unapi

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Einführung: Zur Zeitgeschichte «abnormer Persönlichkeiten». Gesnerus (pp. 173-205). (/isis/citation/CBB412797746/) unapi

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More Vesalian Second Thoughts. The Annotations to the Institutiones anatomicae secundum Galeni sententiam, 1538. Gesnerus (pp. 94-116). (/isis/citation/CBB001552551/) unapi

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Representation of Dangerous Sexuality in Interwar Non-Fiction Sex Hygiene Films: A Franco-German Comparison. Gesnerus (pp. 39-55). (/isis/citation/CBB001552554/) unapi

Article Claire, Fredj (2015)
Du local au global: Les médecins militaires français, l’Algérie et les «maladies des pays chauds» (1830–1880). Gesnerus (pp. 250-268). (/isis/citation/CBB823905111/) unapi


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