274 citations
related to East Asian Science, Technology, and Medicine
Journal Abbreviation EASTM
Jami, Catherine
In Memory of Prof. Yabuuti Kiyosi.
East Asian Science, Technology, and Medicine
(p. 10).
Wagner, Donald B.
Blast Furnaces in Song-Yuan China.
East Asian Science, Technology, and Medicine
(p. 41).
Berke, Heinz; Wiedemann, Hans G.
The Chemistry and Fabrication of the Anthropogenic Pigments Chinese Blue and Purple in Ancient China.
East Asian Science, Technology, and Medicine
(p. 94).
Chao, Yüan-ling
The Ideal Physician in Late Imperial China: The Question of Sanshi.
East Asian Science, Technology, and Medicine
(p. 66).
Sivin, Nathan
Review of "Science and civilisation in China. Volume 7, Part I, Language and logic".
East Asian Science, Technology, and Medicine.
Nylan, Michael
Review of "The Chinese Sky during the Han: Constellating Stars and Society".
East Asian Science, Technology, and Medicine.
Daiwie, Fu
Review of "Situating the History of Science: Dialogues with Joseph Needham".
East Asian Science, Technology, and Medicine.
Keizo, Hashimoto
Obituary---Dr. Yabuuti Kiyosi (1906--2000).
East Asian Science, Technology, and Medicine
(p. 10).
Lo, Vivienne
Crossing the neiguan “Inner Pass”: A nei/wai “Inner/Outer” Distinction in Early Chinese Medicine.
East Asian Science, Technology, and Medicine
(p. 15).
Standaert, Nikolas
The Jesuits Did NOT Manufacture `Confucianism'.
East Asian Science, Technology, and Medicine
(p. 115).
Hart, Roger
Beyond Science and Civilization: A Post-Needham Critique.
East Asian Science, Technology, and Medicine
(p. 88).
Yue, Meng
Hybrid Science versus Modernity: The Practice of the Jiangnan Arsenal, 1864--1897.
East Asian Science, Technology, and Medicine
(p. 13).
Hashimoto, Takehiko
Introducing a French Technological System: The Origin and Early History of the Yokosuka Dockyard.
East Asian Science, Technology, and Medicine
(p. 53).
Moon, Suzanne M.
The Trouble with Mechanized Farming: The Politics of Technological Change in the Netherlands East Indies, ca. 1920.
East Asian Science, Technology, and Medicine
(p. 73).
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