272 citations
related to Arabic Sciences and Philosophy
Journal Abbreviation Arab. Sci. Phil.
Erwan Penchèvre
Vénus selon Ibn al-Šāṭir.
Arabic Sciences and Philosophy
(pp. 185-214).
Yehuda Halper
Dialecticians and Dialectics in Averroes’ Long Commentary on Gamma 2 of Aristotle's Metaphysics.
Arabic Sciences and Philosophy
(pp. 161-184).
Polloni, Nicola
Gundissalinus on Necessary Being: Textual and Doctrinal Alterations in the Exposition of Avicenna's Metaphysica.
Arabic Sciences and Philosophy
(pp. 129-160).
Gad Freudenthal; Resianne Fontaine
Philosophy and Medicine in Jewish Provence, Anno 1199: Samuel Ibn Tibbon and Doeg the Edomite Translating Galen's Tegni.
Arabic Sciences and Philosophy
(pp. 1-26).
Saloua Chatti
Existential Import in Avicenna's Modal Logic.
Arabic Sciences and Philosophy
(pp. 45-71).
Daniel D. De Haan
Where Does Avicenna Demonstrate the Existence of God?.
Arabic Sciences and Philosophy
(pp. 97-128).
Gad Freudenthal
Samuel Ibn Tibbon as the Author of Melaḵah Qeṭanah, the Hebrew Translation from Arabic of Galen's Tegni: Probes into the Evolution of His Philosophical Terminology.
Arabic Sciences and Philosophy
(pp. 27-43).
Bos, Gerrit; Langermann, Y. Tzvi
An Epitome of Galen's on the Elements Ascribed to Ḥunayn Ibn Isḥāq.
Arabic Sciences and Philosophy
(pp. 33-78).
Koetschet, Pauline
Galien, Al-Rāzī, et l'éternité du monde. Les fragments du traité Sur la démonstration, IV, dans les Doutes sur Galien.
Arabic Sciences and Philosophy
(pp. 167-198).
Sinai, Nicolai
Al-Suhraward on Mirror Vision and Suspended Images (Muthul Mu allaqa).
Arabic Sciences and Philosophy
(pp. 279-297).
El-Rayes, Waseem
An Ambiguous Beginning: Al-Ẓāhir Wa-Al-Bāṭin in Ibn Khaldūn's Preface to the Muqaddima.
Arabic Sciences and Philosophy
(pp. 225-247).
Di Donato, Silvia
Le Kitāb Al-Kaf an Manāhiğ Al-Adilla d'Averroès: les phases de la rédaction dans les discours sur l'existence de dieu et sur la direction, d'après l'original arabe et la traduction hébraïque.
Arabic Sciences and Philosophy
(pp. 105-133).
Harvey, Steven
Some Notes on “Avicenna among Medieval Jews”.
Arabic Sciences and Philosophy
(pp. 249-277).
Dhanani, Alnoor
The Impact of Ibn Sīnā's Critique of Atomism on Subsequent Kalām Discussions of Atomism.
Arabic Sciences and Philosophy
(pp. 79-104).
Rashed, Roshdi; Papadopoulo, Athanase
On Menelaus' Spherics III.5 in Arabic Mathematics, II: Naṣīr al-Dīn al-Ṭūsī and Ibn Abī Jarrāda.
Arabic Sciences and Philosophy
(pp. 1-32).
Abgral, Philippe
Les Débuts de la Projection Stéréographique: Conception et Principes.
Arabic Sciences and Philosophy
(pp. 135-166).
Adamson, Peter
Miskawayh on Pleasure.
Arabic Sciences and Philosophy
(pp. 199-223).
Kaya, M. Cüneyt
In the Shadow of “Prophetic Legislation”: The Venture of Practical Philosophy after Avicenna.
Arabic Sciences and Philosophy
(pp. 269-296).
Cooper, Glen M.
Rational and Empirical Medicine in Ninth-Century Baghdad: Qustā Ibn Lūqā's Questions on the Critical Days in Acute Illnesses.
Arabic Sciences and Philosophy
(p. 69).
Cabo-González, Ana M.
The Study of the Evolution of Fruits Preservation Techniques in the Iberian Peninsula throughout the Agronomic Andalusian Works, their Roman Antecedents and Posterior Footprint in the Renaissance.
Arabic Sciences and Philosophy
(p. 139).
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