272 citations
related to Arabic Sciences and Philosophy
Journal Abbreviation Arab. Sci. Phil.
Tommaso Alpina
The Soul of, the Soul in Itself, and the Flying Man Experiment.
Arabic Sciences and Philosophy
(pp. 187-224).
Shahid Rahman; Muhammad Iqbal
Unfolding Parallel Reasoning in Islamic Jurisprudence: Epistemic and Dialectical Meaning in Abū Isḥāq Al-Shīrāzī’s System of Co-Relational Inferences of the Occasioning Factor.
Arabic Sciences and Philosophy
(pp. 67-132).
Essay Review
Joël Biard
Rejet, Fascination, Utilisation: La Renaissance et La Pensee Arabe.
Arabic Sciences and Philosophy.
Essay Review
Dimitri Gutas
A New “Edition” of Ḥunayn's Risāla.
Arabic Sciences and Philosophy.
Andreas Eckart
The Early Great Debate: A Comment on Ibn Al-Haytham‘s Work on the Location of the Milky Way with Respect to the Earth.
Arabic Sciences and Philosophy
(pp. 1-30).
Salimeh Maghsoudlou
The Status of the Spirit in Al-Mustamlī Al-Buḫārī’s Šarḥ Al-Ta‘arruf: Case Study of the Interrelationships of Ḥanafite Sufism, Sunnī Kalām and Avicennism in the Fifth / Eleventh Century Transoxiana.
Arabic Sciences and Philosophy
(pp. 225-255).
Silvia Di Vincenzo
Early Exegetical Practice on Avicenna's Šifāʾ: Faḫr al-Dīn al-Rāzī’s Marginalia to Logic.
Arabic Sciences and Philosophy
(pp. 31-66).
Marwan Rashed
Chose, Item Et Distinction: L’« Homme Volant » D'avicenne Avec Et Contre Abū Hāšim Al-Ǧubbā’ī.
Arabic Sciences and Philosophy
(pp. 167-185).
Peter Adamson
The Simplicity of Self-Knowledge After Avicenna.
Arabic Sciences and Philosophy
(pp. 257-277).
Hassan Tahiri
When the Present Misunderstands the Past How a Modern Arab Intellectual Reclaimed His Own Heritage.
Arabic Sciences and Philosophy
(pp. 133-158).
Muhammad U. Faruque
Mullā Ṣadrā on the Problem of Natural Universals.
Arabic Sciences and Philosophy
(pp. 269-302).
Fedor Benevich
Fire and Heat: Yaḥyā B. ʿAdī and Avicenna on the Essentiality of Being Substance or Accident.
Arabic Sciences and Philosophy
(pp. 237-267).
Peter Adamson
Fakhr al-Dīn al-Rāzī on Place.
Arabic Sciences and Philosophy
(pp. 205-236).
Stephen Menn; Robert Wisnovsky
Yaḥyā Ibn ʿAdī and Ibrāhīm Ibn ʿAdī: On Whether Body Is a Substance or a Quantity. Introduction, Editio Princeps and Translation.
Arabic Sciences and Philosophy
(pp. 1-74).
Amir-Mohammad Gamini
Quṭb al-Dīn Al-Shīrāzī and the Development of Non-Ptolemaic Planetary Modeling in the 13th Century.
Arabic Sciences and Philosophy
(pp. 165-203).
Pauline Koetschet
Abū Bakr al-Rāzī et le signe: fragment retrouvé d'un traité logique perdu.
Arabic Sciences and Philosophy
(pp. 75-114).
Janne Mattila
The Ethical Progression of the Philosopher in al-Rāzī and al-Fārābī.
Arabic Sciences and Philosophy
(pp. 115-137).
Asad Q. Ahmed
The Reception of Avicenna's Theory of Motion in the Twelfth Century.
Arabic Sciences and Philosophy
(pp. 215-243).
Ahmed Alwishah
Avicenna on Animal Self-Awareness, Cognition and Identity.
Arabic Sciences and Philosophy
(pp. 73-96).
Abdessamad Belhaj
Ādāb al-Baḥth wa-al-Munāẓara: The Neglected Art of Disputation in Later Medieval Islam.
Arabic Sciences and Philosophy
(pp. 291-307).
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