102 citations
related to Antiquarian Horology and the Proceedings of the Antiquarian Horological Society
Journal Abbreviation Antiq. Horology
Rooney, David; Nye, James
“Such great inventors as the late Mr. Lund”: An introduction to the Standard Time Company, 1870--1970.
Antiquarian Horology and the Proceedings of the Antiquarian Horological Society
(pp. 501-523).
Rooney, David
Maria and Ruth Belville: Competition for Greenwich time supply.
Antiquarian Horology and the Proceedings of the Antiquarian Horological Society
(pp. 614-628).
Friess, Peter
Rediscovering Josef Weidenheimer (1758-1795) and clockmaking in the German-speaking countries.
Antiquarian Horology and the Proceedings of the Antiquarian Horological Society
(pp. 523-538).
Hooper, John
William Bowyer, great clock maker.
Antiquarian Horology and the Proceedings of the Antiquarian Horological Society
(pp. 122-133).
Wood, Christopher
The determination of the difference in meridians of the Paris and Greenwich Observatories.
Antiquarian Horology and the Proceedings of the Antiquarian Horological Society
(pp. 234-236).
Sabrier, Jean-Claude
Pierre Le Roy's watches: “For the use of astronomers and seamen”.
Antiquarian Horology and the Proceedings of the Antiquarian Horological Society
(pp. 315-325).
King, Hilary
The marine chronometers of the Baudin expedition to Australia, 1800-1804.
Antiquarian Horology and the Proceedings of the Antiquarian Horological Society
(pp. 508-521).
Sabrier, Jean-Claude
Louis Berthoud and the finding of longitude at sea: New developments.
Antiquarian Horology and the Proceedings of the Antiquarian Horological Society
(pp. 522-534).
Folta, Jaroslav
Clockmaking in medieval Prague.
Antiquarian Horology and the Proceedings of the Antiquarian Horological Society
(pp. 405-417).
Leopold, J.H.
The third seafaring nation: The introduction of the marine chronometer in the Netherlands.
Antiquarian Horology and the Proceedings of the Antiquarian Horological Society
(pp. 486-500).
Haspels, J.J.L.
Early musical clocks.
Antiquarian Horology and the Proceedings of the Antiquarian Horological Society
(pp. 23-34).
Flores, Joseph
A very important chapter added to the history of the self-winding watch.
Antiquarian Horology and the Proceedings of the Antiquarian Horological Society
(pp. 214-229).
Mills, Allan A.
Water-driven clocks.
Antiquarian Horology and the Proceedings of the Antiquarian Horological Society
(pp. 136-145).
Cowsill, J.S.
Frank Hope-Jones and George Bennett Bowell: A study of the period 1895-1905.
Antiquarian Horology and the Proceedings of the Antiquarian Horological Society
(pp. 118-129).
Vaughan, Denys
Charles Shepherd's electric clocks.
Antiquarian Horology and the Proceedings of the Antiquarian Horological Society
(pp. 519-530).
Davies, Alun C.
Horology and navigation: The chronometers on Vancouver's expedition, 1791-95.
Antiquarian Horology and the Proceedings of the Antiquarian Horological Society
(pp. 244-255).
Foster, George
Early astronomical watches.
Antiquarian Horology and the Proceedings of the Antiquarian Horological Society
(pp. 256-261).
Aked, Charles K.
A perpetual almanack.
Antiquarian Horology and the Proceedings of the Antiquarian Horological Society
(pp. 540-549).
Shenton, F.G. Alan
Who was Charles Shepherd?.
Antiquarian Horology and the Proceedings of the Antiquarian Horological Society
(pp. 438-445).
Turner, A.J.
Review of "The pulse of time: Galileo Galilei, the determination of longitude, and the pendulum clock".
Antiquarian Horology and the Proceedings of the Antiquarian Horological Society.
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