304 citations
related to American Journal of Physics
Journal Abbreviation Amer. J. Phys.
Allen I. Janis
Review of "The Road to Relativity: The History and Meaning of Einstein's "The Foundation of General Relativity" Featuring the Original Manuscript of Einstein's Masterpiece".
American Journal of Physics.
Spencer Weart
Review of "Tunnel Visions: The Rise and Fall of the Superconducting Super Collider".
American Journal of Physics.
Chris Rorres
Archimedes' Floating Bodies on a Spherical Earth.
American Journal of Physics
(pp. 61-70).
Colm O'Sullivan
Some Reflections on the Role of Semi-Classical Atomic Models in the Teaching and Learning of Introductory Quantum Mechanics.
American Journal of Physics
(pp. 211-215).
David Topper; Dwight Vincent
Einstein's Lecture in Pittsburgh, Pa, December 1934: A Note on Further Visual Documentation.
American Journal of Physics
(pp. 403-406).
William W. Hackborn
On Motion in a Resisting Medium: A Historical Perspective.
American Journal of Physics
(pp. 127-134).
Harvey R. Brown; James Read
Clarifying Possible Misconceptions in the Foundations of General Relativity.
American Journal of Physics
(pp. 327-334).
Michael Nauenberg
Review of "To Explain the World: The Discovery of Modern Science".
American Journal of Physics.
Matteo Leone; Nadia Robotti
Chasing the Ghost Particle: The Long and Winding Road Toward the Detection of Solar Neutrinos.
American Journal of Physics
(pp. 873-880).
Sascha Grusche
Revealing the Nature of the Final Image in Newton's Experimentum Crucis.
American Journal of Physics
(pp. 583-589).
David E. Meltzer; Valerie K. Otero
A Brief History of Physics Education in the United States.
American Journal of Physics
(pp. 447-458).
Jayson, Joel S.
The Daniell cell, Ohm's law, and the emergence of the International System of Units.
American Journal of Physics
(p. 60).
Philbrick, Russell
Review of "Probing the Sky with Radio Waves: From Wireless Technology to the Development of Atmospheric Science".
American Journal of Physics.
Nauenberg, Michael
Review of "Magnificent Principia: Exploring Isaac Newton's Masterpiece".
American Journal of Physics.
Wellerstein, Alex
Review of "The History and Science of the Manhattan Project".
American Journal of Physics.
Smith, Glenn S.
Faraday's First Dynamo: A Retrospective.
American Journal of Physics.
Assis, A. K. T.; Chaib, J. P. M. C.
Ampère's Motor: Its History and the Controversies Surrounding its Working Mechanism.
American Journal of Physics.
Alistair Kwan
Vernier Scales and Other Early Devices for Precise Measurement.
American Journal of Physics
(pp. 368-373).
Herzenberg, Caroline L.
Speaking of Lessons from the History of Science, Does the Name “Hermann” Ring a Bell?.
American Journal of Physics.
King, John
Review of "Wireless: From Marconi's Black-Box to the Audion".
American Journal of Physics.
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