90 citations
related to Social media
90 citations
related to Social media as a subject or category
Description Term used during the period 2002-present
Juliano Spyer
Social media in emergent Brazil: How the Internet affects social change.
J. Mitchell Veterlaus
Yik Yak: An Exploratory Study of College Student Uses and Gratifications.
Bulletin of Science, Technology & Society
(pp. 23-33).
Carmine Sellitto; Scott Bingley; Scott Burgess
A Model for Evaluating Mobile Device Adoption in Community Sports Organizations.
Bulletin of Science, Technology & Society
(pp. 211-218).
Niveen AbiGhannam
(August 2016)
Madam Science Communicator: A Typology of Women’s Experiences in Online Science Communication.
Science Communication
(pp. 468-494).
Kajsa E. Dalrymple; Rachel Young; Melissa Tully
(August 2016)
“Facts, Not Fear”: Negotiating Uncertainty on Social Media During the 2014 Ebola Crisis.
Science Communication
(pp. 442-467).
Sophie Ritson
(August 2016)
‘Crackpots’ and ‘active researchers’: The controversy over links between arXiv and the scientific blogosphere.
Social Studies of Science
(pp. 607-628).
Qihao Ji; Di Cui
The Enjoyment of Social Q&A Websites Usage: A Multiple Mediators Model.
Bulletin of Science, Technology & Society
(pp. 98-106).
Catherine Turco
The Conversational Firm: Rethinking Bureaucracy in the Age of Social Media.
Garcia Martinez, Antonio
Chaos Monkeys: Obscene Fortune and Random Failure in Silicon Valley,.
Nell Haynes
Social media in northern Chile : Posting the extraordinarily ordinary.
Michael Gastrow
(December 2015)
Science and the Social Media in an African Context: The Case of the Square Kilometre Array Telescope.
Science Communication
(pp. 703-722).
Jill E. Hopke; Molly Simis
Discourse Over a Contested Technology on Twitter: A Case Study of Hydraulic Fracturing.
Public Understanding of Science
(pp. 105-120).
Silvia Knobloch-Westerwick; Benjamin K. Johnson; Nathaniel A. Silver; et al.
(October 2015)
Science Exemplars in the Eye of the Beholder: How Exposure to Online Science Information Affects Attitudes.
Science Communication
(pp. 575-601).
Nicole M. Lee; Matthew S. VanDyke
(August 2015)
Set It and Forget It: The One-Way Use of Social Media by Government Agencies Communicating Science.
Science Communication
(pp. 533-541).
Tziporah Stern; David Salb
Examining Online Social Network Use and Its Effect on the Use of Privacy Settings and Profile Disclosure.
Bulletin of Science, Technology & Society
(pp. 25-34).
Nathaniel Tkacz
Wikipedia and the politics of openness.
Molly J. Simis; Sara K. Yeo; Kathleen M. Rose; et al.
New Media Audiences’ Perceptions of Male and Female Scientists in Two Sci-Fi Movies.
Bulletin of Science, Technology & Society
(pp. 93-103).
Lesen, Amy E.
Scientists, Experts, and Civic Engagement: Walking a Fine Line.
Trevor Owens
Designing Online Communities: How Designers, Developers, Community Managers, and Software Structure Discourse and Knowledge Production on the Web.
Asma El Ouirdi; Miriam El Ouirdi; Jesse Segers; et al.
Institutional Predictors of the Adoption of Employee Social Media Policies.
Bulletin of Science, Technology & Society
(pp. 134-144).
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