Concept ID: CBA000121027

Everyday life

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Description Term used during the period 2002-present

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Article Bethany J. Walker (2023)
Imperial Interventions in Daily Life: The Eastern Mediterranean under Early Ottoman Rule. Historical Archaeology (pp. 1177-1194). (/isis/citation/CBB175599190/) unapi

Article Dawn Lyon; Rebecca Coleman (2023)
Rupture, repetition, and new rhythms for pandemic times: Mass Observation, everyday life, and COVID-19. History of the Human Sciences (pp. 26-48). (/isis/citation/CBB583971695/) unapi

Book Ruben Verwaal (2023)
Bloed, zweet en tranen. Over de vloeibare mens [Blood, sweat, and tears: On the liquid human]. (/isis/citation/CBB452577049/) unapi

Chapter Grant, Matthew; Marie Cronqvist (2021)
Remembering Desirable Futures? Civil Defence Memories and Everyday Life in Sweden and the UK. In: Cold War Civil Defence in Western Europe: Sociotechnical Imaginaries of Survival and Preparedness (pp. 233-245). (/isis/citation/CBB837845239/) unapi

Article Marie Thébaud-Sorger (October 2020)
"Changing Scale to Master Nature: Promoting Small-scale Inventions in Eighteenth-century France and Britain". (Original title: "Producers and Consumers Negotiating Scale: Micro-Inventions in Eighteenth-century France and Britain." On-line title changed by author post production.). Technology and Culture (pp. 1076-1107). (/isis/citation/CBB052963020/) unapi

Chapter Leong, Elaine (2019)
Papering the Household: Paper, Recipes, and Everyday Technologies in Early Modern England. In: Working with Paper: Gendered Practices in the History of Knowledge (pp. 32-45). (/isis/citation/CBB284878014/) unapi

Book Thomas Kohlwein (2017)
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Article Edwards, Clive (2014)
Multum in Parvo: “A Place for Everything and Everything in its Place”. Modernism, Space-saving Bedroom Furniture and the Compactom Wardrobe. Journal of Design History (p. 17). (/isis/citation/CBB001201109/) unapi

Article Harrison, Rodney (2014)
Observing, Collecting and Governing “Ourselves” and “Others”: Mass-Observation's Fieldwork Agencements. History and Anthropology (p. 227). (/isis/citation/CBB001201586/) unapi

Chapter Finstad, Terje (2014)
The Means of Modernization: Freezing Technologies and the Cultural Politics of Everyday Life, Norway 1940--1965. In: History of Artificial Cold: Scientific, Technological and Cultural Issues (pp. 231-249). (/isis/citation/CBB001500414/) unapi

Chapter Thoms, Ulrike (2014)
The Introduction of Frozen Foods in West Germany and Its Integration into the Daily Diet. In: History of Artificial Cold: Scientific, Technological and Cultural Issues (pp. 201-229). (/isis/citation/CBB001500413/) unapi

Article Jauho, Mikko; Niva, Mari (2013)
Lay Understandings of Functional Foods as Hybrids of Food and Medicine. Food, Culture and Society (p. 43). (/isis/citation/CBB001320900/) unapi

Article Oldenziel, Ruth; Veenis, Milena (2013)
The Glass Recycling Container in the Netherlands: Symbol in Times of Scarcity and Abundance, 1939--1978. Contemporary European History (p. 453). (/isis/citation/CBB001201569/) unapi

Article Weber, Heike (2013)
Towards “Total” Recycling: Women, Waste and Food Waste Recovery in Germany, 1914--1939. Contemporary European History (p. 371). (/isis/citation/CBB001201568/) unapi

Article Blondé, Bruno; Verhoeven, Gerrit (2013)
Against the Clock: Time Awareness in Early Modern Antwerp, 1585--1789. Continuity and Change (p. 213). (/isis/citation/CBB001201795/) unapi

Book Poska, Allyson M.; Couchman, Jane; McIver, Katherine A. (2013)
The Ashgate Research Companion to Women and Gender in Early Modern Europe. (/isis/citation/CBB001201726/) unapi

Book McCrossen, Alexis (2013)
Marking Modern Times: A History of Clocks, Watches, and Other Timekeepers in American Life. (/isis/citation/CBB001201284/) unapi

Chapter Cowan, Brian (2013)
English Coffeehouses and French Salons: Rethinking Habermas, Gender and Sociability in Early Modern French and British Historiography. In: Making Space Public in Early Modern Europe: Performance, Geography, Privacy (p. 41). (/isis/citation/CBB001201708/) unapi

Article Deschrijver, Sonja; Vanderheyden, Vrajabhūmi (2012)
Experiencing the Supernatural in Sixteenth-Century Brabant: Construction and Reduction of the Exceptional in Everyday Life. Journal of Social History (p. 525). (/isis/citation/CBB001320660/) unapi

Book Koslofsky, Craig (2011)
Evening's Empire: A History of the Night in Early Modern Europe. (/isis/citation/CBB001201831/) unapi


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