36 citations
related to Notebooks
36 citations
related to Notebooks as a subject or category
Description Term used during the period 2002-present
Helen Williams
Family Planning and the Long Eighteenth-Century Pocketbook.
Journal for Eighteenth-Century Studies
(pp. 113-133).
Simon Naylor; Neil Macdonald; James P. Bowen; et al.
Extreme weather, school logbooks and social vulnerability: The Outer Hebrides, Scotland, in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries.
Journal of Historical Geography
(pp. 84-94).
Sjang L. Ten Hagen
History as a Tool for Natural Science: How Ernst Mach Applied Historical Methods to Physics.
Historical Studies in the Natural Sciences
(pp. 40-79).
Francesca Antonelli
Scrivere e sperimentare. Marie-Anne Paulze-Lavoisier, segretaria della “nuova chimica” (1771-1836).
Martin J.S. Rudwick
On 're-treading' early geological fieldwork.
Earth Sciences History: Journal of the History of the Earth Sciences Society
(pp. 37-46).
Alexander S. Blum
From Wood Chuck Holes to Worm Holes—A Look into the Notebooks of John A. Wheeler.
Annalen der Physik.
Angelo Secchi; Ileana Chinnici
Appunti di un gesuita scienziato. I diari di viaggio di Angelo Secchi SJ (1860-1875).
Azuela, Luz Fernanda; Erick Villanueva-Villaseñor
Illustration within Informal Geological Communication during the Golden Age of Geology (1788-1840) – Examples from the respective correspondence and archives of Henry De La Beche and William Buckland.
Physis: Rivista Internazionale di Storia della Scienza.
Tim Lethen
Gespräche, Vorträge, Séancen: Kurt Gödels Wiener Protokolle 1937/38: Transkriptionen und Kommentare.
Andrea Bernardoni
Leonardo ingegnere.
Alberto Meschiari
Giovanni Battista Amici, Il catalogo delle stelle doppie.
Michael Stolberg
A Sixteenth-century Physician and His Patients: The Practice Journal of Hiob Finzel, 1565–1589.
Social History of Medicine
(pp. 221-240).
Sonja Petersen
The Notebook and the Laboratory – Types of Knowledge in German Piano-making, 1880–1930.
History and Technology
(pp. 58-80).
Eddy, Matthew Daniel
Family Notebooks, Mnemotechnics, and the Rational Education of Margaret Monro.
In: Working with Paper: Gendered Practices in the History of Knowledge
(pp. 160-176).
Charles H. Smith
Alfred Russel Wallace Notes 8: Wallace's Earliest Exposures to the Writings of Alexander Von Humboldt.
Archives of Natural History
(pp. 366-369).
Juan Vicente Mayoral de Lucas
Thomas S. Kuhn: la búsqueda de la estructura.
Richard Yeo
Notebooks, Recollection, and External Memory: Some Early Modern English Ideas and Practices.
In: Forgetting Machines: Knowledge Management Evolution in Early Modern Europe
(pp. 128-154).
Tiziano Dorandi
Notebooks and Collections of Excerpts: Moments of ars excerpendi in the Greco-Roman World.
In: Forgetting Machines: Knowledge Management Evolution in Early Modern Europe
(pp. 35-57).
Elizabeth F. Lewis
P. G. Tait's Statistical Models.
British Society for the History of Mathematics Bulletin
(pp. 128-143).
Matthew Daniel Eddy
The Interactive Notebook: How Students Learned to Keep Notes during the Scottish Enlightenment.
Book History
(pp. 86-131).
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