54 citations
related to Orbits; planets
54 citations
related to Orbits; planets as a subject or category
Description Term used during the period 2002-present
Flavia Marcacci
G.B. Riccioli’s geo-heliocentric use of Epicepicycles, ellipses and spirals.
Journal for the History of Astronomy
(pp. 171-192).
Bernard R. Goldstein; José Chabás
Joseph Ibn Waqār and the treatment of retrograde motion in the middle ages.
Archive for History of Exact Sciences
(pp. 175-199).
K. Rupa; Padmaja Venugopal; Anita Udagatti; et al.
Importance of Bhāskara's Karaṇakutūhala as an algorithmic handbook.
Journal of Astronomical History and Heritage
(pp. 714-720).
Duane Hamacher
The First Astronomers: How Indigenous Elders read the stars.
Recio, Gonzalo Luis
Kepler’s derivation of the bisection of the earth’s orbit in Astronomia Nova.
British Journal for the History of Mathematics
(pp. 151-169).
Teije de Jong
A study of Babylonian planetary theory III. The planet Mercury.
Archive for History of Exact Sciences
(pp. 491-522).
J. M. Steele; E. L. Meszaros
A study of Babylonian records of planetary stations.
Archive for History of Exact Sciences
(pp. 415-438).
Christián C. Carman
The gravitational influence of Jupiter on the Ptolemaic value for the eccentricity of Saturn.
Archive for History of Exact Sciences
(pp. 439-454).
Craig A. Stephenson
Periodic Orbits: F. R. Moulton’s Quest for a New Lunar Theory.
Christián C. Carman
The Tychonic Method for Calculating the Ratio between the Eccentricities of Mars.
Journal for the History of Astronomy
(pp. 212-234).
B.S. Shylaja; Seetharama Javagal
Gaṇitagannaḍ: Mirror of Mathematics, An Astronomy Text of 1604 CE in Kannada by Śankaranārāyana Joisaru of Śṛngeri.
Fernando B. Figueiredo; João Fernandes
José Monteiro da Rocha (1734–1819) and His 1782 Work on the Determination of Comet Orbits.
Journal for the History of Astronomy
(pp. 461-481).
Christián C. Carman
Tycho Brahe’s Calculi ad Corrigenda Elementa Orbitae Saturni and the technical aspects of his planetary model of Saturn.
Archive for History of Exact Sciences
(pp. 565-586).
Teije de Jong; Hermann Hunger
Babylonian observations of a unique planetary configuration.
Archive for History of Exact Sciences
(pp. 587-603).
James Brannon
Bi-Daily Venus in the Medieval Thought of William of Conches: Explaining an Uncommon Celestial Event by Circumsolarity.
Journal for the History of Astronomy
(pp. 305-323).
Clifford J. Cunningham
Herschel's spurious moons of Uranus: their impact on satellite orbital theory, celestial cartography and literature.
Journal of Astronomical History and Heritage
(pp. 119-162).
Sajjad Nikfahm; Fateme Savadi
Naṣīr al-Dīn Muḥammad al-Ṭūsī al-Risāla al-Muʿīniyya (al-Risāla al-Mughniya) and its Supplement.
Anna De Pace
Galileo lettore di Copernico.
Roshdi Rashed; Erwan Penchèvre
Ibn Al-Haytham et le mouvement d'enroulement.
Arabic Sciences and Philosophy
(pp. 27-137).
Teije de Jong
A Study of Babylonian Planetary Theory II. The Planet Venus.
Archive for History of Exact Sciences
(pp. 309-333).
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