91 citations
related to Conservation movement
91 citations
related to Conservation movement as a subject or category
Description Term used during the period 2002-present
Conor Mark Jameson
Finding W.H. Hudson: The Writer Who Came to Britain to Save the Birds.
Sonja K. Pieck
Mnemonic Ecologies: Memory and Nature Conservation along the Former Iron Curtain.
Koldo Trapaga Monchet; Álvaro Aragón-Ruano; Cristina Joanaz de Melo
Roots of Sustainability in the Iberian Empires: Shipbuilding and Forestry, 14th - 19th Centuries.
Kazuki Okauchi
Slow Development Towards Park Creation: A History of the Black Forest in Post-War Germany.
Environment and History
(pp. 229-258).
Adam M. Sowards
Making America's Public Lands: The Contested History of Conservation on Federal Lands.
Mercy Osemudiame Okpoko
‘Interconnectedness with Nature’: The Imperative for an African-centered Eco-philosophy in Forest Resource Conservation in Nigeria.
Ethics, Place and Environment
(pp. 21-36).
John Doyle-Raso
The Origination and Implementation of the National Wetlands Policy of Uganda: Environment, Knowledge, and Power from the Late Nineteenth Century to Present.
Alexandra Hui
Listening to Extinction: Early Conservation Radio Sounds and the Silences of Species.
American Historical Review
(pp. 1371-1395).
Gregg Coodley; David Sarasohn; Senator Ron Wyden
The Green Years, 1964-1976: When Democrats and Republicans United to Repair the Earth.
Lauren Eichler; David Baumeister
Settler Colonialism and the US Conservation Movement: Contesting Histories, Indigenizing Futures.
Ethics, Place and Environment
(pp. 209-234).
Esme G. Murdock
Conserving Dispossession? A Genealogical Account of the Colonial Roots of Western Conservation.
Ethics, Place and Environment
(pp. 235-249).
Jules Skotnes-Brown
Preventing Plague, Bringing Balance: Wildlife Protection as Public Health in the Interwar Union of South Africa.
Bulletin of the History of Medicine
(pp. 464-496).
Eric C. Westbrook
A Forest of Fire: Limning Materiality and Interpretation in the Morphology of the Longleaf Pine Forest as a Cultural Landscape.
Mary Anne Andrei
Nature’s Mirror: How Taxidermists Shaped America’s Natural History Museums and Saved Endangered Species.
Lisa M. Brady
From War Zone to Biosphere Reserve: The Korean DMZ as a Scientific Landscape.
Notes and Records: The Royal Society Journal of the History of Science
(pp. 189-205).
Brian Petersen; John Hultgren
The Case for a 21st Century Wilderness Ethic.
Ethics, Place and Environment
(pp. 222-239).
Emily Wakild
Saving the Vicuña: The Political, Biophysical, and Cultural History of Wild Animal Conservation in Peru, 1964–2000.
American Historical Review
(pp. 54-88).
Izabela Krzeptowska-Moszkowicz
Zainteresowanie ochroną przyrody i historią botaniki w Polsce oraz pasja popularyzacji wiedzy przyrodniczej w twórczości Seweryna Józefa Krzemieniewskiego (1871–1945).
Studia Historiae Scientiarum
(pp. 53-74).
Lino Camprubí
Birds Without Borders: Ecological Diplomacy and the WWF in Franco’s Spain.
Historical Studies in the Natural Sciences
(pp. 433-455).
Sam Robinson
Early Twentieth-Century Ocean Science Diplomacy: Competition and Cooperation among North Sea Nations.
Historical Studies in the Natural Sciences
(pp. 384-410).
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