Concept ID: CBA000120767


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Description Term used during the period 2002-present

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Chapter Melissa Dickson (2017)
Charles Wheatstone’s Enchanted Lyre and the Spectacle of Sound. In: Sound Knowledge: Music and Science in London, 1789-1851 (p. 125). (/isis/citation/CBB232311417/) unapi

Book James Q. Davies; Ellen Lockhart (2017)
Sound Knowledge: Music and Science in London, 1789-1851. (/isis/citation/CBB152356042/) unapi

Book James G. Mansell (2017)
The Age of Noise in Britain: Hearing Modernity. (/isis/citation/CBB059715162/) unapi

Article Stefan Krebs (2017)
The Failure of Binaural Stereo: German Sound Engineers and the Introduction of Artificial Head Microphones. Icon: Journal of the International Committee for the History of Technology (pp. 113-144). (/isis/citation/CBB007112913/) unapi

Article Ximena Alarcón (2017)
Embodied Sonic Memories of Commuting Underground. IA. The Journal of the Society for Industrial Archeology (pp. 81-92). (/isis/citation/CBB608198991/) unapi

Book Roland Wittje (2016)
The Age of Electroacoustics: Transforming Science and Sound. (/isis/citation/CBB301627147/) unapi

Article Eun-sung Kim (2016)
Sound and the Korean Public: Sonic Citizenship in the Governance of Apartment Floor Noise Conflicts. Science as Culture (pp. 538-559). (/isis/citation/CBB613057542/) unapi

Article Arne Schirrmacher (2016)
Sounds and Repercussions of War: Mobilization, Invention and Conversion of First World War Science in Britain, France and Germany. History and Technology (pp. 269-292). (/isis/citation/CBB160586279/) unapi

Article Eun-Sung Kim (June 2016)
The sensory power of cameras and noise meters for protest surveillance in South Korea. Social Studies of Science (pp. 396-416). (/isis/citation/CBB108699540/) unapi

Article Jennifer Rich (2016)
Sound, mobility and landscapes of exhibition: Radio-guided tours at the Science Museum, London, 1960–1964. Journal of Historical Geography (pp. 61-73). (/isis/citation/CBB267946634/) unapi

Book Matthew Rubery (2016)
The untold story of the talking book. (/isis/citation/CBB986002328/) unapi

Article Gooday, Graeme J. N.; Bruton, Elizabeth (2016)
Listening in combat – surveillance technologies beyond the visual in the First World War. History and Technology (pp. 213-226). (/isis/citation/CBB444141926/) unapi

Article Judkins, Phil (2016)
Sound and fury: sound and vision in early U.K. air defence. History and Technology (pp. 227-244). (/isis/citation/CBB026434629/) unapi

Thesis Jackson Pope (2016)
Listening at the Lab: Bird Watchers and the Cornell Laboratory of Ornithology. (/isis/citation/CBB585978342/) unapi

Book Thomas Patteson (2015)
Instruments for New Music: Sound, Technology, and Modernism. (/isis/citation/CBB077204349/) unapi

Article Alexandra Supper (2015)
Data Karaoke: Sensory and Bodily Skills in Conference Presentations. Science as Culture (pp. 436-457). (/isis/citation/CBB947703132/) unapi

Book Christine Ehrick (2015)
Radio and the Gendered Soundscape: Women and Broadcasting in Argentina and Uruguay, 1930–1950. (/isis/citation/CBB710098534/) unapi

Article Joeri Bruyninckx (2015)
Trading twitter: Amateur recorders and economies of scientific exchange at the Cornell Library of Natural Sounds. Social Studies of Science (pp. 344-370). (/isis/citation/CBB328358059/) unapi

Article Chen-Pang Yeang; Joan Lisa Bromberg (2015)
Understanding Noise in Twentieth-Century Physics and Engineering. Perspectives on Science (pp. 1-6). (/isis/citation/CBB459713561/) unapi

Article Roland Wittje (2015)
Concepts and Significance of Noise in Acoustics: Before and after the Great War. Perspectives on Science (pp. 7-28). (/isis/citation/CBB631482317/) unapi


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