Concept ID: CBA000120767


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Description Term used during the period 2002-present

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Book Andrew A. Cashner (2020)
Hearing Faith: Music as theology in the Spanish empire. (/isis/citation/CBB708613751/) unapi

Article Xu, Chuan (September 2019)
From Sonic Models to Sonic Hooligans: Magnetic Tape and the Unraveling of the Mao-Era Sound Regime, 1958–1983. East Asian Science, Technology and Society: An International Journal (pp. 391-412). (/isis/citation/CBB729484710/) unapi

Article Ghosh, Arunabh (September 2019)
Commentary: New Directions in the Study of PRC-Era Science. East Asian Science, Technology and Society: An International Journal (pp. 443-448). (/isis/citation/CBB174642040/) unapi

Book Nicholas Hammond (2019)
The powers of sound and song in early modern Paris. (/isis/citation/CBB826164572/) unapi

Article Vincent Andrisani (2019)
“¡Se Bota El Tanque!”: Housing, infrastructure, and the sounds of water in Havana’s domestic spaces. Tapuya: Latin American Science, Technology and Society (pp. 442-457). (/isis/citation/CBB274420556/) unapi

Book Mack Hagood (2019)
Hush: media and sonic self-control. (/isis/citation/CBB509397953/) unapi

Book Thor Magnusson (2019)
Sonic writing: technologies of material, symbolic, and signal inscriptions. (/isis/citation/CBB909967877/) unapi

Thesis Amanda Beardsley (2019)
Celestial Mechanics: Technologies of Salvation in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints and American Culture. (/isis/citation/CBB556098679/) unapi

Article Zagorski-Thomas, Simon (October 2018)
Directions in Music by Miles Davis Using the Ecological Approach to Perception and Embodied Cognition to Analyze the Creative Use of Recording Technology in Bitches Brew. Technology and Culture (pp. 850-874). (/isis/citation/CBB458962931/) unapi

Article Grant Olwage (October 2018)
Paul Robeson's Microphone Voice and the Technologies of Easy Singing. Technology and Culture (pp. 823-849). (/isis/citation/CBB697949245/) unapi

Article Kuperman, William A. (Fall 2018)
Using Noise to Image the Ocean. The Bridge: Journal of the National Academy of Engineering (pp. 44-53). (/isis/citation/CBB042249055/) unapi

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Alexander Ellis’s Translation of Helmholtz’s Sensations of Tone. Isis: International Review Devoted to the History of Science and Its Cultural Influences (pp. 339-345). (/isis/citation/CBB556710785/) unapi

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Digital Sound Studies. (/isis/citation/CBB176872339/) unapi

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Book Kristen Gallerneaux (2018)
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There Is "Noise," and Noise. Perspectives on Science (pp. 204-225). (/isis/citation/CBB293738659/) unapi

Chapter Ellen Lockhart (2017)
Transparent Music and Sound-Light Analogy ca. 1800. In: Sound Knowledge: Music and Science in London, 1789-1851 (p. 77). (/isis/citation/CBB377380843/) unapi


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