40 citations
related to Vernacular literature
40 citations
related to Vernacular literature as a subject or category
Description Term used during the period 2002-present
Ruselle Meade
Science across the Meiji divide: Vernacular literary genres as vectors of science in modern Japan.
History of Science
(pp. 227-251).
Lluís Cifuentes i Comamala
Vernacular Surgery in the Medieval and Early Modern Latin West: Works, Individuals, and Research Methodologies.
Medicina nei Secoli - Arte e Scienza
(pp. 103-132).
Michiel Leezenberg
From Cosmopolitan to Vernacular in the Language Sciences: A Global History Perspective.
Berichte zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte
(pp. 18-37).
Charu Singh
Science in the vernacular? Translation, terminology and lexicography in the Hindi Scientific Glossary (1906).
South Asian History and Culture
(pp. 63-86).
Eric Moses Gurevitch
The uses of useful knowledge and the languages of vernacular science: Perspectives from southwest India.
History of Science
(pp. 256-286).
Elma Brenner
The Reception, Consumption and Broader Context of a French Vernacular Plague Tract Printed in 1495.
Nuncius: Annali di Storia della Scienza
(pp. 304-324).
Sandra Cavallo
Early Vernacular Medical Advice Books and Their Popular Appeal in Early Modern Italy.
Nuncius: Annali di Storia della Scienza
(pp. 264-303).
Sarah Jeanne S. Parker
Vernacular Cosmologies: Models of the Universe in Old English Literature.
Early Science and Medicine: A Journal for the Study of Science, Technology and Medicine in the Pre-modern Period
(pp. 55-76).
Andreas Kleinert
Galileis Verbrechen: Kepler, Galilei und das crimen laesae humanitatis.
Berichte zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte
(pp. 325-329).
Michele Rinaldi
El Libro delle Cento Parole di Phtolommeo, volgarizzamento inedito del Centiloquium pseudo-tolemaico.
Anna Laura Puliafito
Phaedrus’ Cicadas: Patrizi's Dialoghi and Vernacular Rhetoric.
Intellectual History Review
(pp. 619-629).
Marco G. Meniketti
The Present Past: The Design Legacy of Laborers’ Housing in the Landscape of Vernacular Architecture on Nevis.
In: Archaeology of domestic landscapes of the enslaved in the Caribbean
(pp. 42-65).
Sky Michael Johnston
Weathering Early Modern Germany: Vernacular Meteorology, Pastoral Theology, and Communal Life in the Long Sixteenth Century.
Larrayoz, Fernando Serrano
Consejos médicos en lenguas vernáculas para las élites hispanas durante la Baja Edad Media y el Renacimiento.
Llull: Revista de la Sociedad Española de Historia de las Ciencias y de las Técnicas
(pp. 43-68).
Hans Pols; C. Michele Thompson; John Harley Warner
Translating the Body: Medical Education in Southeast Asia.
Katherine Walker
Reading the Natural and Preternatural Worlds in Early Modern Drama.
Projit Bihari Mukharji
Vernacularizing the Body: Informational Egalitarianism, Hindu Divine Design, and Race in Physiology Schoolbooks, Bengal 1859–1877.
Bulletin of the History of Medicine
(pp. 554-585).
Sietske Fransen; Niall Hodson; Karl A.E. Enenkel
Translating Early Modern Science.
Ruselle Meade
Popular Science and Personal Endeavor in Early-Meiji Japan:The Case of Hatsumei Kiji.
Historia Scientiarum: International Journal of the History of Science Society of Japan
(pp. 77-92).
Pamela H. Smith
The Codification of Vernacular Theories of Metallic Generation in Sixteenth-Century European Mining and Metalworking.
In: The Structures of Practical Knowledge
(pp. 371-392).
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